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      Herbal Treatment for Malaria in Nigeria

      Malaria is a severe medical condition that is characterized by rapid destruction of the red blood cells; it is spread by infected mosquitoes.

      Mosquitoes that are infected with plasmodium parasites spread malaria when they bite and draw blood from an individual. This plasmodium parasite is what causes malaria.

      The red blood cells are important cells of the body that helps in the transportation of oxygen to every cells, tissues, organ and systems of the body; they also help in removing excess carbondioxide from the body.

      When plasmodium parasite enters the body; it heads straight to the liver and stays there till it matures and multiplies and then they enter the red blood cells and start destroying them. When this happens; the red blood cells will not be able to carry out its duties effectively as they are now less in numbers. If this condition is not arrested early and properly treated, it can lead to death.

      Symptoms of malaria are high temperature, cold, headaches, nausea and vomiting, shivering, anemia, bloody stools, muscle pain, loss of appetite, tiredness, diarrhea, confusion, joint pain, sweating, jaundice, deep breathing and sometimes coma.

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      Malaria can be severe; in this case it has spread to many organs and it is beginning to cause organ failure and serious complications in the body; signs and symptoms of complicated malaria are neurological abnormalities like seizures and coma. Other symptoms are severe anemia, abnormal blood clotting, respiratory problems, kidney failure, metabolic acidosis, low blood pressure, hemoglobinuria and hypoglycemia.

      This disease is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths yearly and it is even more in the third world countries.

      Herbal Treatments for Malaria in Nigeria

      There are anti-malaria drugs that can be used to treat malaria but there are also effective home remedies for malaria and we will be taking a look at 12 herbal treatments for malaria in Nigeria.

      1. Fever Nut

      These powerful seeds are effective in treating malaria. It can prevent the sudden or random outburst of fever when used regularly. Fever Nut can effectively treat malaria and cut the duration of the sickness short; it hastens healing and has antimicrobial properties. It should be taken daily till you recover fully.

      • You can add it to your soups and meals
      • You can add 3 grams of the seeds to a cup of water and drink; make sure you do this daily till you recover.
      1. Ginger

      Ginger has powerful antimicrobial properties that can help destroy the plasmodium parasite. It also gives relief from the symptoms of malaria like pain, inflammation, nausea and vomiting. It can also relief headache and treat indigestion.

      • You can chew on fresh ginger roots daily
      • You can choose to drink ginger tea twice daily; grate fresh ginger roots, as much as you want. Boil it in 2 cups of water; leave it to cool then strain it and drink it. You can add lemon juice and honey for taste and to also make it more effective.
      1. Cinnamon

      This powerful herb is rich in healing compounds like cinnamaldhyde, procyanidins and Catechins; they are all rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. They help in treating malaria, killing the parasite and relieving the symptoms of malaria.

      • Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of warm water.
      • You can add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder or black pepper.
      • Add a teaspoon of honey and mix it well.
      • Strain the liquid and drink. You can do this daily till you are fully recovered.
      1. Fenugreek Seeds

      Malaria comes along with weaknesses and fenugreek seeds are best known for combating fatigue and increasing the levels of energy in the body. They have antimicrobial properties which help them fight off the disease and they also empower the immune system; take lots of this seed daily till you recover completely.

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      • Soak 5 grams of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and let it stay overnight.
      • In the morning, drink that water on an empty stomach and repeat daily until the malaria goes away completely.
      1. Oranges and Grapefruits

      Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and they help boost the immune system and fortify it in fighting off diseases and parasites. Grapefruit has the same action as oranges and it is also rich in vitamin C; it can reduce the intensity of the illness and reduce the duration. It contains natural quinine that can help treat malaria. Don’t take grapefruits if you are taking an anti-malaria drug that has quinidine.

      • Take lots of oranges daily.
      • Take homemade orange juices as much as you can but avoid adding refined sugar because it weakens the immune system.
      • For the grapefruit; you can boil it; strain the fruit and drink the juice.
      1. Tamarind

      The Hausa people call it “tsamiya”’ it is effective in treating malaria; it is rich in antioxidants and healing phytochemicals. Take tamarind decoction every day till you see improvement. It hastens healing and reduces the duration of the sickness; it increases appetite and help relieve other symptoms of malaria like high temperature and headache.

      • Soak some tamarind in a bowl of water overnight.
      • Fight thing in the morning drink a cup of this on an empty stomach and take it regularly during the day. This should be done daily.
      1. Black Mustard Seeds

      This is an effective remedy for malaria; even the oil is also used in treating malaria. These seeds are rich in antimicrobial compounds which make it easy for them to kill malaria parasites in the body; and it also hasten healing and improve immune functions.

      • You can use the oil; add a teaspoon to your tea, fruit juices or smoothies; just make sure you take at least a teaspoon of the oil daily.
      • You can also use it to cook
      1. Datura

      This is an effective herb that is used in treating malaria; the leaves are rich in antimicrobial compounds and antioxidants.

      • Get 3 fresh Datura leaves
      • Crush them and extract the juice
      • Add half teaspoon of jiggery and take this daily till you recover.
      1. Limes and Lemons

      Limes and lemons are rich in vitamin C which helps to fortify and empower the immune system; they also reduce the duration of the illness and hasten healing. They also have antimicrobial effects which help in killing the malaria parasite and neutralizing its toxins. Everyday take lime and lemon juice till you fully recover.

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      • Get 2 medium sized limes and one lemon.
      • Juice them and add water to the juice
      • Take this daily for quick recovery.
      1. Turmeric

      This powerful root herb is loaded with antimicrobial compounds and powerful antioxidants. It can kill plasmodium parasites and clear out the toxins secreted by plasmodium out of the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help relieve the symptoms of malaria.

      • Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of hot water.
      • Let it cool, and then take it before going to bed.
      1. Holy Basil

      These leaves are used in Naturopathy as remedies for many illnesses and malaria is not left out; this is why it is regarded as the “queen of herbs”. It has antimicrobial properties that can fight and ward of malaria parasites; it also relief the symptoms of malaria like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

      • Get 15 or more fresh leaves of Basil and crush them using a mortar and pestle.
      • Then get them out and press them to extract the juice.
      • Add black pepper to make it effective; drink this concoction daily till you notice improvement.
      1. Apple Cider Vinegar

      This is an age old remedy used to treat fever; bring down high body temperatures and fight infections. It also strengthens the immune system and helps the body recover fast from illnesses. Use ACV daily till you recover fully.

      • Add two tablespoons of ACV in a glass of clean water and drink it. This should be done twice daily.
      • You can also do a cold compress to help you bring down your body temperature. Add ½ cup of ACV in a bowl of cold water; put a clean towel in the solution, squeeze it lightly and place it on the claves for at least 10 minutes.

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