Communication skills
These skills are essential or crucial in face to face and via telephone communication as well. On the other hand, if you write or e-mail customers, make sure you use proper grammar and spelling. Choose words and phrases wisely while addressing your customers, so as to reach your customers heart.
Listening Skills
Listening is another powerful skill by which a customer service representative can demonstrate that he or she has the customers’ interests at heart. Listen carefully to know exactly what he or she needs. To know how you can be of help is essential in reaching the heart of a customer.
Showing this through your body language and responses. For example,(nodding your head, putting up a bright smiling facial expressions and maintaining eyes contact, etc, makes the customer feel at ease.) These are ways which shows that you have their interests at heart.
While we recognized the crucial roles communication and listening skills plays in customers service; exercising self control is essential element that you as a customer service representative must posses or develop. People that work as customer service representatives must be able to calmly handle all customers issues, even the impatience ones. You must strive hard to maintain calmness even when your customers are not easily controllable.
Adequate Understanding Of The Company’s Products And Services
Having an overall understanding of the organization and its products and services are essential for you to handle your job properly and able to convey any of these information to customers who are in need of such details. You are the company’s image or representative. Therefore, if a customer has any problem with any of the company’s products or the services rendered to him or her, do what you can to help. Being proactive and optimistic can help you succeed.
Negotiation And Patience
These qualities are important for customer service representative; because the roles of negotiating and striking a deal with customers is not an easy one. Since he or she have direct contact or access with customers some of whom may be aggressive, she needs to learn calmness. Therefore, someone patience will be proffered at handling matters involving negotiation.
Conflict Resolution
In customer service, you deal with many customers who have problems that need to be solved. You must be creative, proactive and be a problem solver. Make sure you understand the problem clearly and offer a possible solution to the problem. If you cannot find a solution, refer the customer to where a possible solution may be offered.
Take The Responsibility
One of essential qualities of a customer service rep is being able to say,”i’m sorry”. Whether in cases of a misconduct to a customer or poor delivery of a product or services. Then a sincere apology to the customer in behalf of the company will ease the mind of such a person and the people involved, especially when the problem was not your fault.
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