Trading on Building material in Nigeria is a sure guaranteed business that makes plenty of money any time of the year. This business is not affected by any season or time, it is an all round business venture. Building material sells extremely fast in Nigeria and people are making good money in the business now due to the current boom in real estate business in Nigeria.
Houses are springing up every now and then, at every corners all over the cities and villages in the country because everyone wants to have his own house, a place he can call his own. This is the major reason building material is selling very fast and with good profit too. Starting a building material business is a very good idea, one that you will never regret.
I know a man who sold his vehicle some months ago to start a building material supply business somewhere in Lagos. Today, the man is doing very well and living big. Formally he was just managing to survive but now everything has changed. That tells you the potential in this business.
So, how exactly do you proceed with starting your own building material sells and supply business in Nigeria?
1. Identify the Target Area
Building materials is so diverse. The are too many for any single merchant to deal on all of them at a time, you need to select where you want to focus.
Focus is important because it will enable you get strong and profitable. When you choose any particular niche, you would become expert in that niche and everyone will know you as experienced in that sector.
2. Look for a Suitable Location
Some building materials are extremely good in certain location while others does well in other locations depending on the target market. E.g: Materials like Cements is best located near new and developing sites/area while Paints does better off new sites IMO.
3. Secure a Place
Either an open ground, shop or whale house depending on the type of building material you want to deal on. Materials like Iron doesn’t require a shop or whale house in most cases, though you may get an shop/office for transaction and hosing your customers, not for product storage.
4. Locate a Supplier
There are suppliers for virtually all building materials used in Nigeria. Look for suppliers that works well for you and negotiate deal with them. The importance of having a regular supplier can not be over emphasized. If you are reliable and trustworthy, your supplier cab supply and come for the money later which is very good in business especially when you are trading with limited funds.
5. Get the Building Materials and Begin Marketing
The mistakes most building material dealers do is to wait for the buyers to come. Yes, they do come but better if you can reach out to them, that will eliminate chances of going elsewhere, remember you aren’t the only supplier. It’s not enough to go write on a wall of uncompleted building, you will get ignored many times than you’d get attention.
Seek for time when you can meet the building owner or the contractor and offer him your deal face to face. That way, he’ll be able to see that you are real human being and you would be able to use every marketing skill you have to market your products to him.
Building material supply business is a great money maker for any serious entrepreneur who takes the business serious and get everything right. I have seen people start small and within a short time they are buying supply vehicle and all that. Try it and see!
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