Why is cassava farming an opportunity for investors? For ages, agriculture has been the only way and means of feeding over 6.5 billion people all over the world. Before the emergence of commercial banking, the peasant farmers have been working on different crops and plantations in order to feed themselves and the nations.
Cash crop are crops which are grown for profits and are otherwise referred to as season crops. They can be planted and be harvested within 3 to 7 months. Cassava crop is one of it.
The West African countries are trying to boost their economy with cassava plantation. Though originated from south America but later adopted into Nigeria farming system during the slave trade around sixteenth to seventeenth century is gaining more grounds as a common food in most homes. Cassava popularly called Manihot esculenta has helped in contributing to the Nigeria’s Operations feed the Nation campaign since its declaration by the Government.
The present administration has really endorsed cassava agriculture as the major source great boost to the economy. Tapping into the cassava farming business will make you be where you wish to be in the five years, considering the large space of virgin land available for cash crop farming.
Why Should You Start Cassava Farming?
There are numerous reasons why you can tap into this opportunity in the cassava plantation either as a Nigeria or non-Nigerian farmer. The opportunity is opened to anybody who is willing to invest and launch into feeding several African Nations. It doesn’t take much to start it. All you need is determination and some start up capital, this will allow you to properly make your way in the business.
Tapping into the Nigerian Cassava farming business will make you get access to funds and fertilizers from the government and also get endorsement/aid from foreign organizations. Every governments today are interested in agriculture and they are ready to lend a helping hand to everyone willing to go into partnership with the laid down policies in favour of agricultural related businesses.
Cassava Farming Is A Serious Farming Business
Once you are set and determined to start planting cassava, the next thing is to unleash a large scale of farm land that will be enough to explore your target plantation. Every plantation needs basic planting technology and tactics. You must always remember to subscribe to different associations and government parastatals which will definitely have no bounds in helping you grow your farming business.
Acquiring a large scale land (starting with 10 hectares) will be a big start. You will need labourers to help you with the farm work and weed aftermath. Most farmers involve their family and friends to help them in the process of running the farm. This will help them reduce expenses meant to be spend between plantation and harvest period.
Requirements For Large Scale Cassava Farming
Total $ 18,000
Where And Who Do You Need To Supply Cassava Tuber?
Cassava tuber after harvesting will call a lot of attention of people, who are ready to buy them and turn it to any carbohydrate food variety depending on their interest. The most popular among all is the Garri flour commonly found in most West African countries. Garri flour can be taken with either cold or warm water, depending on the choice of vitamin to be simultaneously used with it. Millions of people needs Garri flour everyday in Nigeria and Africa in general.
Another cassava product is the bread flour. Bread flour allows producers of bread related foods to use cassava flour to allow them bake quality bread cheaply and sell to their target customers who are in need of it. The good thing about this type of food is that, it gives adequate energy to anyone who eats them. Millions of people across Africa also need it.
Among the products of cassava is what they called Akpu (Fufu), this you will see in every restaurant or households in Nigeria or other parts of Africa, like Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic and host of others. It is usually taken along side with soup as balanced diet. It is calls for high demand in most markets across Africa,
In addition, one can also get very good starch from processed cassava. It is done by soaking in water and extracting it after some days. Cassava starch can be used for industrial laundry and dry cleaning firms and even by individuals who needs it. Thousands of firms and million individuals are also in need of it across Africa and beyond.
As a matter of fact, nothing in cassava is a waste product. The pilled and extracted white tuber can be used for what some tribe called ‘wheat flour’. It is usually pounded and processed after it has been dried and fermented, and then it can be thoroughly stirred in hot water. The other part is the pilled body. It is never wasted and thrown away. It can be given to livestock like, Goats, sheep and other domestic animals that feed on such foods.
Agriculture As Big Challenge In West Africa Countries.
Most west African countries have enough land mass which are good for farming and producing food for their population, but they diverted their attention to infrastructure, technology, money market, and lately, petroleum products, which can only be seen and enjoyed within a specified period of time. With a land area of 5,112,903 km2 and over 300,000,000 population, and about 17 countries in ECOWAS, I believe that cassava farming investment cannot be a waste of time.
It cannot however be overemphasized the amount of people you will be feeding across Africa, if you decide to venture into the business. And the profit is 100% because; you are not using money to purchase another cassava stick to replant. You can only buy cassava stick once, and have a good leverage in your next plantation.
However, in a situation where most government in West Africa have refused to pay at least 20% attention to farming in their various countries, the business is opened for individuals and private organizations who are ready to invest in it on full time basis. All I can say is; you can never regret investing in cassava business in a country like Nigeria and other highly populated countries in western Africa. Take the bold step today.
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