Time management as a business strategy, has several enemies. The enemies of time management, at an individual level, may be slightly different from those you face at an organizational level. Individuals tend more to be victims of these enemies because they lack the check and balances of organizations. Companies on their part have a structure that may not allow these enemies to find their way in, but this does not mean that they do not show themselves in different ways. Now, lets take a look at the four all times biggest enemies of time management.
A person preparing for an exam may realize the need for applying simple time management system like drawing up a time table, but procrastination may keep him or her from doing such until it is no longer practical. Procrastination will make a person to keep from doing what they should until it is probably too late to do anything.
At an organizational level, procrastination could be in the form of countless meetings where things that would move the project forward are left aside and other issues take center stage. You might find themselves in a situation where you do a lot of postponement.
Aside from this, companies stand in a better stead of dealing with delays and the issue of procrastination, because they have structure and process that is designed to allow things to move on in logical progression. However, unnecessary levels and layers of administration can be a form of procrastination and this should be avoided at the organizational level.
SEE ALSO: Impact of Prioritizing in Workplace as Time Management Strategy
An individual that wants to deal with procrastination may have a hard time if they do not do it the old fashion way, by just standing up and doing something about it. They could ask for assistance from another person. Procrastination is defeated once you start.
Repeating a process can spur lethargy. Repetition becomes an enemy of time management when you have to keep repeating a process. This is not a problem at the organizational level where automation and duty is part of the philosophy.
SEE ALSO: 8 Time Management Tools And Techniques An Entrepreneur Must Know
There may be no other way to avoid repeating a process especially if it is an integral part of your time management strategy.
Unclear Objectives
One of the most fundamental aspects of effective time management is having goals and objectives. They are so important that they can be left unsaid. An unclear objective is an enemy of time management. It spoils everything from the word go and if someone manages to set up a time management strategy without a clear objective, there is a great possibility that he or she will not follow through on the time management plan.
You have to know what you want or else you will not be able to go for it. Knowing what you want is the first step, which can be described as an elementary step into drawing up time management plan. It is one thing to know you want to read for an exam, but that is not an objective in itself. An objective in such a case will address the issue of why you want to read and what you want to achieve for reading.
What you want to achieve will compel you to develop a plan that can help you achieve just that in a practical sense.
The person that wants to read alone can draw up a reading plan and do just that.
The person that wants to read because of a coming exam and want to concentrate on his or her weakest subjects will go a bit further than the person that just wants to read.
The person that wants to read and pass with flying colors will go the extra mile to draw up a plan that will achieve that objective.
Having unclear objectives may not mean that you do not have any objectives at all. However, it would mean that your objective does not reflect your actual or real aspiration. Your plan has to be developed around your objective, and it has to be comprehensive enough to be able to meet the standards of the objective. Shortchanging yourself would be detrimental.
You will not be able to achieve the stated goals even when you have drawn up a practical time management plan because the plan will not meet the standards of the objective.
Effective time management is all about being able to organize yourself in such a way that it would be the most profitable for you. This makes disorganization a credible enemy of time management. Managing your time is meant to make you more organized but this can be stifled if you lack organizational skills or you are just too disorganized to follow and organized plan.
These enemies can be dealt with, but a lot depends on the person that really wants to draw up a time management plan and can follow through with the plan.
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