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5 Reasons Why It Is Easy To Make Cool Money From Talking

Have you seen someone hushed down for talking too much? Sure you have. Today, things have changed. The world is gradually being taken over by people who talk and know what to talk about. Good talking is not much about being a noise but being a voice. The difference lies in what you talk about and how, where and when you speak. Good politicians, marketers, preachers, teachers, journalists, entrepreneurs, etc. are good talkers.
Over the last two decades, people have become more creative in terms of using their talking skill, to make money. All over the internet space on blogs, YouTube and social media like Facebook and Twitter, people are saying different things, sharing their opinion and making themselves heard. Those who have nothing to say just get lost in the crowd and follow those who are leading by their voice. Unfortunately many people who talk, are doing so for free yet going hungry and broke.


Recently I listened to a Comedian say he is paid for talking, and if you talk and you are not paid for it, you are should be slapped for being very stupid. Hahahaha! That is funny you know! But I made sense out of what he said jokingly. Only 20 years ago, who knew that people will be making so much money just talking and entertaining others?
Talking is a skill and not everyone is gifted in it. When you are so fluent in a language and you are charismatic whenever you speak, and you have a convincing voice, you are likely a talented speaker-an orator. A good example in the last decade is the current President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. Many people hold the view that his winning his first Presidential elections is hugely attributed to his oratory ability. 
That said, let’s come back to our topic. Why then should anyone consider the business of making money through talking?

1.    It Comes Naturally

Talking is a talent and like any other, it comes naturally. This means that any talented speaker, who chooses to get into the business of talking for money, will be doing business without stress. Talented speakers don’t struggle to get the right words through which to communicate their ideas, each time they speak. Talking is a joy for them and it flows so naturally and easily.
If you are one who never finds it difficult to address a crowd even at short notice; one who always has difficulties with managing time, when talking; one who always knows what to say to move people to go in the direction you choose; one who knows how to stir up people’s emotions when you speak; And one who was born with the microphone in his/her hands, look no further for a business to do. You can make cool money without stress if you get into the business of talking for money.

2.    It Feels Great

There are not many jobs that people do which feel dignifying. Talking can be a very dignifying way of creating wealth for yourself if you know your thing. While most jobs can get boring overtime, talking will never. While most jobs could push you to the wall and put your integrity on the line, talking won’t.
Besides the fact that talking will never get boring nor put your integrity on the line, great speakers always have a ready audience that believes in what they have to say. They soon develop fan-ship all over the globe, having so much influence in the lives of people and the society at large. Every day they are quoted here and there and many people build their levels on the knowledge they have gained from listening to some speaker. This feels great, doesn’t it?

3.    Starting Up Is Relatively Cheap

While most businesses need so much to start, making money through talking requires very little or no capital for some cases. In most cases all you need is the sound human resource who delivers the knowledge to the audience, and the medium through which the knowledge is delivered. However, how much you spend for starting up depends on how big you want to build the business.
If you want to go into full time business in say organizing seminars, you may want to get an office space, a computer, a printer, internet service, stationaries and office supplies, fixed and mobile phone, etc. but all these are the most you will need and doesn’t cost anything much to start-up and run such a business.

4.    Risks Are Relatively Low

There are not many lucrative businesses you can do, that will not present with high risks. Usually when most businesses collapse, the owners lose millions in a very short time and are forced to start all over. This kind of business does not require much capital investment and so does not entail high risk-taking. If it fails, the owner can comfortably stop and look at some other business.
While most businesses are worth millions and are very risky, the business of talking has just one risk: the health and fitness of the human resources. As long as you are fine and strong, you will always be making money if you do your homework. This kind of risk is managed by the owner of the business, taking the necessary precautions and living healthy, to stay wealthy.

5.    It Does Not Require Much Publicity Effort

Like some businesses that directly deal with people, the business of talking for money is on that needs little or nothing to be invested in publicity. The reason is simply that your audience naturally become your marketers and can go about talking about what you do. At some point if you are good at what you do, you just sit back and receive calls from different people and groups, inviting you to talk at different places. When that begins to happen, you are made.
When you decide to go into full scale business, making money through your talking ability, you may soon begin to reject full time jobs because what you will be making for just one job could pay your salary for many months in a full time job somewhere. In fact, the few friends I have who earn a living by talking hardly are interested in anything else apart from freelance. 

Don’t sit back and watch others make use of their talking skills when you got one and could be making millions with it. You sure have an area of knowledge or skill that you master so well. Get down and develop yourself more, sharpen your talking skills and begin to make money from what you know and can confidently talk about. Go ahead and read ‘How To Make Money By Talking’. 

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By Kadzem Claude

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