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How Finance & Investment Institution Can Maximize Profits Through Increase in Customers Base?

The core need of all business oriented organizations is to competently satisfy customers want which is the sole reason for business existence. Therefore, as Finance & Investment Managing Funds, on behalf of investors and channeling same as well as business support services into empowerment of small and medium scale enterprises(SME’s) in Nigeria. 

Resulting to offering investors favorable returns. The following ways will shed more light, on how maximizing profit through increase in customer base is possible:

Training Marketer

Anybody can market a product but Adequate and effective training of the marketers is very crucial for good results, the training and determination qualifies a marketer to work hard in order to deliver or increase organisational wealth. 

The impact of a well trained marketer always show or reflect positively in the organisation. Training your marketers on the benefits of the company products or services, will help bring about an increase both in profit and strong customers base for the organisation. 

Giving of Loan

Through loan, financial institutions generate good returns but unfortunately, some runs loss. Loans are given when a customer meet requirements, but some institution who gives do not follow-up to see whether such loan was use for purpose, which it was given. 

A monitoring unit ought to do that, to ensure effective use of such funds for the purpose it was given. Some people request for a loan and then use it for something else order than, the purpose such customer requested it for.

Soft Loan

Good returns can be made from soft loan; through corporate and individuals with lump sum of money. The logic is to provide small loan to their dependents, entrepreneurs and business people; without other people knowing, the source of the loan, indirectly will have positive impact on the community at large. 

The possibility of defaults in the repayment from the borrower is reduced to the lowest minimum. Making sure that the lender receives both the principal and with a level of returns at maturity. You must create a good plat forms that will help you to retains your customers.

Project Investment Note

This is an instrument which can be use to generate good returns. This provide customers the opportunity of planning toward the future. By allowing a continuous deposit of funds, which attracts high returns; allowing the investor to meet his/her targets. Guaranteeing interests on the  customer investment. 

Asset Acquisition Plan

 Allows or enable your customers to acquire assets of their choice such as:House, Car, Lands and Office Equipment etc that require initial large cash within a periods of time, for example from 3 months – 10 years. Thereby, enhancing the quality of life of that particular customer. With easy and flexible repayment plan; will you or the company help to generate good returns.

Meditate on these few tips and apply them in your own ways to get the best returns for your customers and business.  

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