There is no arguing the fact that the internet is the largest data base in existence. There is no subject that the internet has not touched at a point or another. The fact still remains though that the internet has not been able to serve as a replacement for bound books. One reason is because of affordability. Some in the developing economy cannot afford the computer. Even when they strive to get one, they are still left with problem of consistent internet subscription. Of course that you have subscribed for the internet does not mean that you will have access to all the contents for free.
Most of the websites offering books do not do it for free. There has to be a form of subscription before the one interested can have full access to the book. This has left many to resort to the good old hard copy. When they get it, power failure, computer, internet subscription will not constitute hindrance to get the information they need. So, buying and selling of books cant be categorized as an outdated trade. as a matter of fact, books are still in high demand. The following are some of the markets that you will need to explore if you want to be successful selling books.
Elementary Schools
From nursery schools, the demand for books are ever on the increase. The demand multiplies when the pupils get to elementary school. Before the pupils get through with primary education, the curriculum change annually. The textbook used in the previous session will not be used this session. So it is important you acquaint yourself with the syllabus and get to know what the teachers and the parents will be demanding. When you successfully get multiple schools as clients, you will be counting your profits, not just in thousands, but in hundreds of thousands. Interestingly, you are not just selling books, you are combining stationery too.
Secondary schools
Most secondary schools are compelled to buy books primarily because they have final examinations approaching. A book seller may seize this opportunity and sell to as much students as possible. Since most schools bear the responsibility of selling directly to individual student however, it is better to approach the school authority and get the quotation of their needs. This is better for you as the book supplier as you will be spared of the stress of pieces supplying. Bulk purchase and supplies will quickly multiply your profits.
Tertiary Institutions of learning
Universities, polytechnics and other professional bodies are to be part of your target market if you really plan to record success as a book merchant. However, real survey and findings need to be done as specialized works are supplied at this stage. Hence you may need to go from one department to the other in school. Get the authorization of the school and departmental board so that up to date materials get supplied.
Public libraries
Public libraries are among your best bet if you want your books to be sold. While it is true that some of such libraries are stocked to the brim, it is also a fact that books are printed on a daily basis. As such libraries that want to stay up to date definitely need your service. make it part of your duty to inform the librarians of books that are in vogue, but that have not been included in shelved books. The local authority of the community where the library is situated will approve of your supplies if your price is competitive enough.
Roadside vendors
Roadside vendors may be the catapult you need to get your goods moving at a rate that will quickly yield results. The rate you sell to the street vendors will surely not be as much as how you sell to schools, libraries or individuals, but the turnover they do can serve as a springboard catapulting you to success.
Outside the school system, even when there are no examinations approaching, there are individuals who are passionate about reading. Some even have libraries that can compete with libraries found in some schools. You may need to find people like this so that you can sell to them. You can also make them your reference point while encouraging others to have libraries in their homes.
Get from the Publishers
The best way to have an effective entrant into the market is when your price is competitive. So do not attempt to buy from the dealers, buy directly from the publishers. While they may not give much discount because of the quantity you are buying, they will eventually consider you a viable business partner if your demand from them increases.
Be wary of pirates
The publishers have the responsibility of ensuring that pirates do not sabotage their efforts and reap what someone else has sown. It is also your responsibility to play the role of police in detecting and preventing such pirates. This is important because, pirating may be cheaper than the original thereby removing pricing as part of your unique selling proposition while vying for contracts to supply books.
Be determined
You may well be aware of the saying ‘nothing good comes easy’. As you climb the ladder of a successful book merchant, there is need to consistently remind yourself of the need to be persistent and enduring. Remember the importance of proper storage so that mist and water do not get to spoil your stock. There is no rule as to how much you can start with. Even if you have nothing, you may seek for contract and look for money to do the supplies. Start small, else, there may be problem for you. When you gradually progress as a book merchant, you will come to see that it is one of the most lucrative business you can venture into.
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