In my piece ‘Five Reasons Why It Is Easy To Make Cool Money From Talking’ I mentioned that world over today, on social media and many other sites and blogs, people are making themselves heard. While some are just sharing their opinions with the rest of the world and making themselves rich, others still are sharing some priceless information in wonderful ways but going about broke and hungry, looking for work to do.
There is a lot of money people out there are ready to spend to listen to others tell them what they don’t know and even what they already know. Something amazing I have noticed is that today, people don’t mind how much they spend to be happy. Check out the comedy shows! Check out the football stadia! Check out the movie houses! All these places are places people want to go to for happiness. And so I came to the conclusion that if you know how to win people’s hearts, you will be able to win their pockets. The secret is in words.
If you are a gifted speaker, meaning you are never in lack of words, you know how to present facts in a clear and concise way and thrilling people using words is your thing, then you have no business with being poor. Sit back and read through this piece where I present 6 ways to make money through your talking skills. Here I will talk briefly about each and in my subsequent writings I will be talking deeply about some of them.
1. Seminar Production
As education has moved out of the four walls of classrooms, to many other places: on the streets, in the hospitals, in the churches, in the buses, etc. People are beginning to get through seminars, more value for their money than they get, sitting in one classroom and listening to one teacher, who may not have any mastery over what he/she teaches. School now is anywhere people can learn, full stop. One place where real learning happens these days, is at seminars-reason why those producing seminars are making so much money.
Seminar production business is one business that has become so lucrative in the last two decades. The business of organizing seminars is so easy to set up and manage and more than that, it has serious wealth creation potential. Many people today make so much money from it. I tell you if you start this business, you will never need to search for a job anymore.
Your seminar production business could take different forms. You could organize your own seminars where you are speaker; you could organize seminars and invite speakers; or you could organize seminars and invite speakers while you also speak. See ‘How To Make Money Today Through Seminar Production’ to get all the gist.
2. Video Production
A few years back, a few people began packaging their knowledge on CDs as an alternative to writing hard copy books. It was looking like a joke when I first saw it in Nigeria but after a while, no one needed to tell me how much these entrepreneurs were making.
People do educative videos around mathematics, languages, research methods, data analysis, project management, health issues, skill acquisition, and so on; and inspiring videos around leadership, self-esteem, character, business, career, job performance, change, marriage, religion, etc. They target students, professionals, religious bodies, corporate bodies, etc. Whatever topics you choose should depend on the needs of your target audience.
Making money through producing videos is very simple. See ‘How To Make Money Producing Excellent Videos’ for more.
3. Animation/Entertainment
The entertainment industry has become a gold mine today all over the world and people are mining it daily. Those who know what to say to make people happy are making quite a lot from their skills. The interesting thing is that those who do this as business make more money most times than even those who do just the talking. So you don’t need to be an entertainer, animator or comedian, to get into such a business. You only need to be smart and be able to get the kind of entertainers that will thrill the people. However, if you got both the skills to entertain and to organize, you are doubly advantaged.
See ‘How To Start Making Money By Entertaining People’ as I share with you how to go about this kind of business.
4. Adverts Production
Some people think that adverts don’t play any much role in people’s choice of what to buy. I use to think so and wonder too why multi-national companies spend so much money on adverts. But I later had a change of thought as I found out that adverts play a lot on the psychology of buyers. In fact, everyone is influenced by them, somehow.
Do you enjoy those MTN, GLO, Orange, Etisalat, Maggi and Bournvita ads you listen to on radio and watch on TV? I have people in my home that would leave everything they were doing to follow up adverts on TV and radio daily! That is how powerful ads can be.
And so going into adverts production as a business can be a gate-way for fortune. You can make so much money if you are able to get people who know how to sound sweet and spicy and can convince people to go for a particular product. When you produce your first few adverts, video or audio, it could land you the rest of your wealth for the rest of your life.
5. Broadcasting
Some people are not journalists by their training but they got the skills in them. They have the voice and the words. When they are on air on radio, everyone is attentive to hear what they have to say. They are emotional when they talk and can pull a lot of people through their words. The last time some journalists visited my church and introduced themselves, many people were excited just by being able to meet the wonderful people with those spicy voices they listen to daily.
If talking is your thing, consider paying for some air space on a local radio in your community. Run an inspiring or educating program and build an audience over time. In a short while, if you are good at what you do, people will be calling you to buy advert space during your program. That will just be the beginning of so much to come, for you. Don’t lose focus on the program you started with. Keep at it and soon your audience will develop such an emotional attachment to you and your program and you will soon get people opting to sponsor your programs and others sending in more adverts. You know better what this means.
6. Writing
Not all skillful speakers are skillful on paper. Same as not all skillful writers are great orators. However, these two abilities are much related and many persons I have come across who talk so well, can make great writers, if they dealt with the attitude of laziness and were also a little bit patient. The reason is that while you could speak a thousand words in just a few minutes and without much thinking, writing a thousand words would take longer and much thinking.
Putting pen on paper is one great way to make money talking. When you know how to write down your wonderful ideas in a very inspiring and clear way that communicates to your target audience so well, you are good to go. Already on this blog, I have written a lot on how to make money through writing. See ‘How To Make Money Through Writing’
If you are a gifted speaker, stop complaining about no jobs or start-up capital for business. Get to work and choose any of the above and call me if you don’t make a lot of money. This year is the year you ever dreamed of. Rise up and take your future into your hands. Wealth is standing at the door and all you need to do is OPEN. Stop opening your mouth for free. Out of the abundance of your mouth wealth floweth. Get such wealth trapped and live big!
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By Kadzem Claude
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