Conflicts are bound to happen in an organisation, this can disrupt the work activities of your organisation, it can also reduce the morale of the workers, and affect their output, thus, decrease your productivity. it is essential therefore, to understand how to avoid these conflicts and how you can control, if in position to, these conflicts. some of the ways that the conflicts can be solved are:
Be discrete
Its unfair if you are the kind of boss that scolds your worker openly, or talk bad about a worker to his or her colleagues, this will certainly cause conflicts, it is quite important that you are as discrete as possible to your subordinates, colleagues, as well as your superiors. don’t snoop around and don’t ask information about any of the workers from a fellow worker, its really not worth it at the end of it all, keep calm, be yourself and be discrete!
Always ensure that you engage in communication if there is any problem looming up, call the person in concern and communicate, there might have been a mix up after all! ensure that you understand all the details and get the full information before you know the next step that you will take.
Avoid Bad Reaction
No matter how bad you feel about a situation, be on top of your emotions always, don’t be quick to react when there is a problem at hand, don’t be quick to conclude and start trading blames, be calm, cool and collected, if you feel too bad, take a stroll, drink a cup of coffee, or let that cigarette take the heat out of you, don’t be quick to take that action, be professional!
Listen Patiently
You should learn how to listen attentively and patiently, this will help you to access details which you might probably miss out, you should imbibe the culture of ‘seeing from the other person’s perspective’ while listening, this will help you to adequately judge the situation and also help you to see the whole situation from ‘the bird’s eye view’.
Tighten up policy (as a distraction from conflict)
If there is too much conflict at your work place, may be its because your workers have too much time at their hands, or too much flexibility at work, you might need to review your internal policies, may be its not tight enough,tighten your policies and this might as well make the workers realize what you are up to, and thus, they sit upright. you can introduce new policies that can create distraction from the conflict, even if you might probably end up reversing the policy back soon, it might jolly well work and enable you to cease control back of the workers.
Create a vision
It might be helpful if you call all your workers and give them a re-orientation on where you intend to get (as an organization), this will enable them to refocus and have new orientation. you can achieve this by making workshops and training, or create company meeting. this should correct views and mentality of the workers.
Don’t be authoritative
Being too authoritative can be of disadvantage to your organisation as this could result in conflict, when and if you must delegate responsibility, give your subordinate chance to air his or her own view, this will make them feel more confident and also enable them to feel more responsible as they will have a clearer role, it will enable you to know where the loophole in the organisation is, it will also prevent trade of blames which in turn,helps to avoid conflict.
Re-access your responses before talking
It is quite important to avoid conflict by evaluating your responses very well before you eventually respond. this will ensure that you don’t say what might ignite conflict, you have to ensure that you are diplomatic, you also need to ensure that you talk to the person that is adequately concerned with the conflict, don’t go beating around the bush, be straight forward, but none the less, evaluate your response before you make that statement>
Be devoid of sentiment
It is important that you are not being sentimental, this will only ignite/increase conflict in an office, ensure you are not talking/taking decisions based on sentiments, treat every one equally, be straight forward and when making your decision, ensure it is devoid of sentiment, this will help to avoid conflict in your organisation.
Know when to confront erring worker
You also have to understand your workers and know when to confront your workers, this will ensure avoidance of increase in conflict. it is essential you understand the nature of your workers, and how best you can confront them, this will also make the worker feel important and understand the nature of things.
Generally, it is of great importance that you understand how best you can go about handling/avoiding conflict in your workplace, do not take sides, be conscious of the work environment and your worker’ attitude. you should be professional in your action but above all, listen to your heart, it really helps!!!
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