Today, it is less tasking for pretty much anyone with the right aptitudes to work their own particular Internet radio station. Disparate broadcasting stations, the Internet mixture don’t require compelling receiving antennas, powerful master control studio, to transmit radio signals. Rather, you work over the same Internet lines that you use to surf the web.
The only difference is that you may need more capable Internet connections than those you use for personal purposes. You may also need to set up dedicated servers for higher performance capability. In this article, I will tell you how you can create, manage, and make reasonable profit by maintaining it consistently. Did you know that you can make money creating online Radio station for yourself and for people? A radio station created and maintained effectively can generate significant income for you (up to $5000/month!). But before then, you need to know what you must do.
Create Your Name
The First thing you must do is to create a name for your radio station. Name is very important in everything. The type of name you choose must go in line with your target audience perspective and must also make meaningful sense to the online community. However, creating an online radio/presence is a bit different. You need to choose a name that is short and precise, coupled with a suffix that fits your audience in your geographical location.
You also need to set up a domain name. It usually costs some amount of money to register a domain name annually. You must choose a URL that properly describes your product.
Create Your Station Identity
Every radio station must have a particular logo or signature tune to be identified with. You must as a matter of importance create a logo that is creative and looks appealing to your target audience and that suits the niche you are about to start.
Decide and Design Your Radio Format
One of your very first decisions will be to decide what you are going to broadcast, what your “format” will be. Is it Music? Two-way talk? Or news and information? You can choose anything that you like, have a passion for, but unless you have very deep pockets, it may be tough to compete in some genres already in place by major internet companies (like Google radio or Pandora) or traditional terrestrial broadcasting companies like the Beeb or Capital FM. Therefore, you might consider trying to define a format that will appeal to a specific niche audience, so as not to blame yourself and close shop in the short run.
Choose Your Server and Software
It is most viable to use a hosting administration when you are beginning. A hosting administration will be the place your name (domain) is parked, as it’s the extensive measure of information (probably a music library). You can control and compose the information from your home PC or portable computer, after you have spotted and acquired programming average of running a web radio station. Most web radio station virtual products are free, then again, there are some paid ones with premium help benefit that might cost some dollars to buy.
Radio station software is set up to organize scheduling, like the rotation of music in your library, and breaks where you will insert commercials, news, or other announcements. More sophisticated applications include the ability to stream (broadcast) over many different platforms; audio processing for the best sound. Some packages compile and provide you with statistics on your listening audience, like where they are from, and how long they listen. There are applications especially designed for different types of formats, whether you are going to broadcast music, talk, or other types of programming.
You Need Personnel To Work With You
Are you going to run and manage the your online radio station alone? It’s conceivable with a percentage of the more specific programming, which can even incorporate “drop-ins”, voiced discourses by “Disc Jockeys” for songs descriptions or news and weather. There are outsourced software too for data-like news, sports, and weather, whereby you instruct your broadcast software to get a live “feed” or record a streamed broadcast and repeat it at distinctive times throughout the broadcast day. In case you are anticipating live Djs, you will need to book or hire them, and by virtue of a music format, you will likely need to recognize personnel with a passion for the specific sort of programming you pick.
You will hire presenters, there are different sorts of occupations essential for web radio stations but each peculiar to location and region. You will require a specialized individual to manage the product and the serving (hosting) organization; an administrative individual to watch the stream of cash flow in the organization.
Create A Proper Music Library
For Instance, if your format is music, you will need to buy a music library, and there are various organizations that offer music for radio stations. You will have the choice of picking your library tune by song, or by type (rock, pop, soul, jazz) or even by decade (music of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s etc). Music will be conveyed to you through download, or you prefer external hard disk, USB gadgets, or even redid Cds. While you have numerous choices of where to acquire this item, there are two US organizations that outfit the main part of prerecorded music to radio stations on the planet, Broadcast Programming, or TM/Century.
Get Your Music License
Before broadcasting via an online radio, you must get the necessary licenses on the copyright owners, so that you won’t fall short of any law of third party content sharing.
With the choice to broadcast music comes the responsibility to make sure that the artists and composers get paid for using their music. Fortunately, this is simplified by purchasing licenses to do this. A licensing organization collects fees from broadcasters and distributes those fees in the form of royalties to musicians and composers. To broadcast music without these types of licenses can result in very heavy fines.
Though, it depends on your country of residence or business, in the UK, it is the PPL and PRS that are responsible for licensing any music played by online radio station owners. They gather the fees and gives back to the owners/composers of those songs. The Price varies according to how much music content you request. Meanwhile, you must register with the copyright office in your country of business before you can webcast.
However, for you station to work effectively, you need basic equipment and tools. This includes;
Radio Software or dedicated radio website
This is the most important thing you need to own a radio station. A dedicated website helps you in creating a database and keeping your files safe. This software will also give you all the necessary online assistant you need to run your radio station. You need to register with websites like,, etc, they manage Prerecorded and live broadcasting, Coverage of copyright, Programming tools, Audience reports, Extensive Music library, Storage space for your content/songs etc. There are ranges of free and paid radio software online to help you run your station.
Get The Basic Gadgets
You must have computer (desktop or laptop) which will serve as a server An internet connection (dedicated), Microphone or headphone, A Telephone line for feedback etc. Meanwhile, a mixer allows you to connect multiple microphones and telephone interfaces to your broadcasting system. All your audio inputs go into the mixer and come out as one combined signal. You may want to find a mixer that accommodates USB or other HD digital cables.
Internet Radio Apps –
The simplest way to stream music is to use a web streaming service like or These services allows you to send your audio input to the service’s web servers in MP3 format. When you are doing live broadcasting, you have the option of hooking up your YouTube playlists to provide listeners with content on a 24/7 basis.
You will also need a telephone interface that allows you to take calls from your audience. Obviously, this is vital for Internet radio talk shows. For music stations, it is optional, but many of your competitors will probably be accepting calls. If you only plan to take a call at a time, then you can use a single-line hybrid.
However, for something more sophisticated, you will need apps that allow you to choose and organize music files quickly and that will convert your audio feed into streaming format. Winamp is an example of a music-playing app while Edcast is an audio conversion app. You can use such a setup to create a live stream to services like Icecast. Shoutcast offers a free plugin that you can download to convert your audio into a format for their Internet radio broadcast.
Cost Of Running An Internet Radio Station For A Year
This is a rough list of costs involved in running an internet radio station in UK (legally and professionally) for one year excluding marketing or miscellaneous costs:
Music Licensing – £1328
Music Royalties – £500
New Music Tracks To Add (rate of 20 per month) – £480
Web Hosting – £60
Radio Streaming – £300 (depends)
Power Intro Production Costs – £1200
Website Design – £1000 (Optional, if you can design a web)
Website Templates – £60
Jingle Package (cost of acapellas and production) – £400
Project Management – FREE/£100 (You can do this on your own)
Total cost to run a radio station for 12 months = £5328. Source:
Promote Your Online Radio Station Before Launch
The Next thing to do is to promote your radio station. The worst thing you can do is to launch your radio broadcast with no one listening. Before your first song or talk show, make sure that you have done proper marketing and promotion.
Send out a press release announcing the launch of your station. List the station on appropriate websites and blogs. Set up as many social media profile pages for your station as possible well before launch time. You can use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to increase the number of visitors to your websites and social networking pages. You can easily find SEO guides using the major search engines.
In a concluding note however, it is easier to create an internet radio, but it is another thing to maintain it effectively. Maintaining an online radio and making money through online radio will mean that, you will have to put in extra effort, carry out research on how you can effectively reach your target audience in your market strategy, so that you creating awareness for your radio station and believe me, your audience base will bring you money. Follow my next article for tips on how to make money with your radio station.
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