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Recession: The Trick Europeans Used to Help Their Failing Business.

The recession which occurred across Europe in the early 2009 crippled a lot of businesses, increased unemployment, and cut down loans across Europe. Lot of businesses folded up due to lack of loans from the banking sectors, Many entrepreneurs are yet to recover from their loses, but some few wise ones made use of an excellence model, a model that enabled them not only to pull through their recession  predicament, but also enable them to exploit their various market and emerged stronger and more competitive.

We will discuss about this model as it might be useful to your business if its failing also it will help introduce quality to all your processes and activities. the model is know as the European foundation for quality management (EFQM)

What is EFQM?

EFQM stands for European foundation for quality management, it is also called an excellence model as it provides the tools for an organization to optimize their quality and also enables utmost utilization of skills by the workers, it provides an overview of your organization which can be used in determining different ways  that can complement one another.

How can it work?

EFQM enables managers to know the cause as well as the effectiveness in the relationship that subsist between an organization’s priorities and its actual achievements. it can help promote the company by adding quality to all its processes, it can also help to guide the company to achieve its organizational objectives.
Credit: BFQ.ORG

EFQM Model

There are two parts in the EFQM model, we have the enablers, and as well as the results, enablers aim to use the resources of the organization to achieve excellence, this is shown in the other part (results), it implies that the more quality is pressed into the enablers, the more results yielded. lets start from the enablers;


  • Leadership; the leadership of organization should be concerned the conducts of the organization and as well as the output of the various sectors of the organization, they should be able to develop policies that will help the organization to adjust to the changes in the organization.

  • Policy and strategy: firms should also examine their policies and strategies, this will help them to have absolute control of the business and to also stream line their policies with organizational objectives.

  • Partnership and resources: a firm should examine its resources as well as partnership in order to work according to their expectations, and also to be able to align policies of the company with their expectations.


  • People result: this is the creation of excellence through the utilization of the employees development by maximizing their skills.

  • customer result: this is the creation of customer sustainability through utmost satisfaction of the customers (delight).

  • Societal results: his is the creation of attaining excellence in keeping to the minimum regulatory framework of the expectations of stakeholders.

  • Key performance results: the results of the operations of the company must be evaluated, has it yielded positive results? if not then the management should go back to the drawing board and start all over again, ascertaining where the loophole is.

If you have a failing business and you are just wondering what to do, you just might be needing EFQM, i can assure you that if properly used, you will succeed!!!

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