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How To Start Waste Recycling Business In Nigeria

Waste Recycling business is gearing to takeover in Nigeria. This business is a money maker but if you don’t start and continue doing it the right way, you may run into rocks thereby turning your money into a waste instead of turning waste into money.

Waste recycling business is money but any business you plan to embark upon need to be learned. Without having adequate information, you may fold up within shortest time possible.

Therefore, if you are here for the needed information on waste management business, you are welcome. Please be rest assured the knowledge you are getting is just what is needed to go into the business.

Starting waste recycling business goes along with right mindset in knowing that you are offering a service to humanity. Recycling, not only rid the world off garbage but helps make sure lands and water are less polluted.

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With the increased awareness in environmental protection, you as a business owner can take the opportunity and start your own waste recycling plant and make more money.

Starting Waste Recycling And Management

1. Conduct a feasibility study to determine the type of waste recycling business to start with.

2. Have a business plan and know where to establish your company/factory and have it run from there as your base.

3. Obtain the needed permits for your business and make sure you have all the licenses intact to avoid being disturbed by the law enforcement agents as that could hinder your production.

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4. If you are on a lean budget, it’s advisable that you go for a equipment leasing. But, having your own is the best option because your productions won’t be hampered by any excuses. Have in mind that no single machine can handle all types of wastes at the same time. It’s usually better to start with one and later progress to others with time.

5. Start with paper first and upgrade to other waste items like pure water nylons, bottles, green wastes, electronics, and every other wastes because there are just many for you to choose from.

6. Know what your competitors are dealing on and understand the techniques they are using and if you are financially buoyant you can always key in where there are lapses from other factories around you.

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7. Having your business where people are mostly inclined to drop their recyclable wastes are of utmost important because you will be having goods brought to you freely there.

8. Get appropriate materials like weighing scales, huge bins, trucks, and an office for some of your equipment.

9. Get adequately prepared for the fees to run your business with. Contacting your local government for the requirements is always better as they would list the needed fees for you.

9. Advertising your business through handouts, newspapers ads, websites.

Do not be afraid to venture into the waste business. There is much money to make when your business gets established.

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With N2-3million, one can start this business that is sure of 60% ROI monthly. What you need is a plot of land to accommodate your wastes and other requirements as outlined above. Any small scale plant is sure to be producing not less than 2-3 tons of recycled waste per day. A kilogram goes for USD1.55 in international market.

There are many manufacturing companies in Nigeria that are looking for your recycled materials for use in their manufacturing plants. Waste management business is money if done properly and based on good information.

Our write up never replaces feasibility findings. That’s why we try not to cover every thing to avoid denying you the opportunity of doing needed market researches. To be up to date with today’s conflicting prices, you need to do carry out market research.

Take the bold step into this secrete money maker and see your investments doubled.


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