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How To Find Latest Jobs In Nigeria (Search And Apply)

Jobs in Nigeria has become more like a lottery this days considering the number of people out there looking for different kinds of jobs at the same time.  To be able to land your dream job in any sector in Nigeria, you need to be the best you can be, both in your personality and qualifications.

There are jobs in Nigeria for you as long as you’re qualified, good jobs for that matter. This article will show you exactly what to do to get good jobs in Nigeria and where to get them.  Before I proceed, let’s take a critical look at the Nigerian job market and try to isolate the reasons you’re finding it difficult to land your dream jobs.

SEE ALSO: Jobs You Never Know You Could Do But Might Be Right For You

The dream of every undergraduate is to get a very good and well paying job the moment he is through with youth services.  Everyone naturally have this ideology of after school, the next step is to go get a job, it doesn’t matter if you have the potential to even create jobs yourself, everyone just go hunting for job once they have the certificate.

Job market in Nigeria (just like any other country) has become very saturated. True, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs waiting right now for grab, but there are equally millions of qualified applicants hunting to grab them. The tough competition in job market has created a situation where job  owners get to see themselves as demigods, making it further difficult to meet certain employment criteria set by these job owners as a result of the huge demand for vacancies.

How do you explain the reason behind every employer demanding 8-10 years of working experience even for the lowest job position? A lady I know once said “To get your dream jobs in Nigeria, you must compromise some how”.

She may not be entirely right, however, there is element of truth in that statement because People go out of their way trying to use what they have to get what they want, especially when it comes to applying for jobs in Nigeria.

Job Fraudsters are  also making brisk business, defrauding unsuspecting job seekers with promise of giving them jobs that doesn’t exist. All these are happening because there isn’t enough jobs in Nigeria! That’s why I have never been a fan of day jobs.

I hate being bossed around and having someone dictate my movements.

Don’t like limiting my creativity to someone else scrutiny.

I hate gambling to get what I think that I deserve and qualified for.

Hate so many things about being employed, but that doesn’t mean employment is bad — just that I belong to that school of though who believes that jobs should be created and not hunted.

Why Hunt For Jobs In Nigeria, When You Can Be Hunted?

I don’t like being hunted in anyway but when it comes to jobs in Nigeria, I prefer to be hunted. There are Employers and there are Employees, these are two categories of people in job market, and it has been like cat and mouse relationship over the years. They never agree to each other, one is in control and the other is to be controlled. The question is: Do you wants to be the Cat or the Mouse…? Your answer is as good as mine!

Then why do I prefer to be hunted since it’s obvious that Cat the Boss is always in the hunt? Imagine for a second, how life would be for the cat if it could just relax while the mouse hunts itself down and presented for consumption? That would save the cat a lot of stress and long hunting time, right?

When you apply your creative concept and create jobs for others rather that looking for one that doesn’t exist, people will hunt you down and be at your beck and call, ready to comply with any wish and command of yours.

Alternative to Job Search

The best thing to do in this situation is to try and create job for yourself. I am saying this because I know you can do it. Here on, We’ve written about so many businesses and vocations you can engage in and with time, you will be able to create jobs in Nigeria for others.

It doesn’t matter who you are and what you are good at – whoever you are, you must find something you would like doing if you search around this website. The company you are making effort to apply for their jobs today was once not in existence until someone like you founded it.  Can you do the same today for job hunters of tomorrow? If you can think it, you can achieve it.

1. 10 Strong Reasons Why You Need to Get Into Business
2. Business Idea Center: Top Business Ideas

However, Jobs is not just about earning money and having a good time nor about being called the Boss, it’s about satisfaction and contentment. Therefore, if your inner satisfaction can be attained by getting a day job, that’s good. There are processes you can follow to find good jobs easily in Nigeria.

 How To Get Your Dream Jobs In Nigeria

You and I knows that Jobs in Nigeria is a near gamble but, in any gambling game, someone must win. How do you proceed to win in your job search game?  If you fail to play your game the right way, adhering to rules and following the best practices, someone who does will win.

For the fact you’re on the internet looking for jobs in Nigeria is a victory already for you because many out there still go about their job search in the conventional way.

When you are done reading this article, take enough time to go through these additional resources below to further equip you –

1. How to Get Your Dream Job Through Search Dynamics
2. How to Prepare for Job Interview
3. How to Crack The Job Interview No matter Who The Interviewer is
4. The Shocking Truth About The Job Market
5. Online Jobs for Undergraduates in Nigeria
6. How to Apply for Jobs Online in Nigeria

Job search in Nigeria has evolved in recent years – it has got simpler and more sophisticated with the use of internet of which there are many job sites (I’m going to list my top ten sites) where you can apply for Jobs in Nigeria. To get your desired job, you need more than mere application. So, what do you do?

You need to get sophisticated if you wants a sophisticated job! Matthew Epstein is a very good example of how you can get sophisticated in your job search – He wanted a job at Google though Google didn’t advertise any job vacancy.

Be Creative in your Job search

Mathew Epstein did set up a personal website with the name He also produced a video resume which he uploaded on YouTube. Due to the hilarious way he presented his case in the video, he was able to attract many views and got noticed by TechCruch.

Few days later, he was feature on TechCrunch and other big websites. In the video, he showed how good he is at marketing by trying to show he could market something – in this case, himself – and the result was excellent. In three weeks the personal website he set up had 720,000 page views and had to shut down due to capacity problem.

Google didn’t hire him though but he became online sensation according to ABC News and got so many offers from other companies like Microsoft and Amazon. At the end, he landed his dream job at

Now, you need a job with MTN, GTBank, Oil and gas job in Chevron, and Shell. The truth is that they may never come if you keep waiting for them. So, you need to do something now and reach out to them in a creative way. that is the only way you could distinguish yourself.

You may not necessarily need to make a video resume and send to any of the above mentioned company but must find a way to be extraordinary to land extraordinary jobs in Nigeria and if making a hilarious video resume is what it takes, why not?

There are equally great Job listing websites in Nigeria where you can search and apply for jobs on the go! Here are my top 10 list of these websites.

Top 10 Job Websites For Jobs In Nigeria

Below are some of the well know job portals in Nigeria where you can search and apply for good jobs in Nigeria. They are responsive and full of latest jobs in Nigeria from all sectors of the economy.


This website is about the Biggest job website in Nigeria right now where you can Get access to all the latest jobs in Nigeria, recent vacancies and Nigerian jobs recruitment opportunities. It has all the functionality needed for modern online job search and application.

It enables you to upload your CV, search and apply for as many jobs you think you qualify for. They “Offers top career advice from well-known personalities like David Eyinade, Anderson Uvie-Emeagbo, and Bode Asiyanbi, to mention a few”.


This is one of the pioneer job search sites for jobs in Nigeria and started long before Jobberman. It is basically a big discussion forum for jobs in Nigeria. You can as well search for the latest jobs in Nigeria there.


There you can search and apply for jobs in Nigeria in a conventional way, similar to Naijahotjobs.


They “publishes the latest Job updates, Scholarship, Employment tips and career links in Nigeria & Africa (They claims to be the most updated job site in Nigeria)” You may try them out too for your Job search.

“If you are a Nigerian, thinking about a new job, a brand new career, or a new direction, we help you explore the possibilities and find those elusive opportunities in Nigeria and Africa.” Upload your cv there and let the employers find you.


The people behind this job site are truly serious about their business, there you will be able to find and apply for jobs right on the spot.


You can also find jobs here, though not as updated as the other ones above based on my observation last time I visited.


According to the website, “ is not just a Job Portal, we are presently building a highly interactive and dynamic online destination for Nigerians worldwide to collaborate, interact, get informed and exchange ideas on career issues.”

“HNJ provides you with a wealth of resources to help you grow your career or business. Information is Power! we expose opportunities you may never know existed. It is truly up to you as an individual to determine the level of your success by flying on the information and platform we provide for you.” I must add, it a good place for seekers of jobs in Nigeria.


A woman is behind this and the site is well updated, check it out for your next job search.


This is one of the fast rising job search site in Nigerian. You can search for all jobs in Nigeria in different sector right on the site.


This site is genuinely updated and is run by one of the biggest news website in Nigeria, You can search at apply for jobs right on the spot and upload your CVs too. The functionality of the website is great.

These are my top 10 Job sites in Nigeria, if you know anther good one, you can drop it as comment.

Your Dream Job Is Coming Your Way Soon!

Whichever path you choose in your career and job search, it is my humble wish that you finds the best job of your dream. If you decide to get involved in start ups – that will be nice for you as well.  By all means, make sure you do something for yourself.

SEE ALSO: How to Perform Excellently on You Job

I used to image how life would be if everyone has jobs of their own! There is dignity in labor and you can never compare the joy that comes from being productive to anything else. Therefore, do all you can to keep yourself busy with something worthwhile. Cheers!


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