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  • Active Member Asked on December 10, 2016 in Business.

    Choosing a business name is one of the most important things when starting out. Starting out with a weak business name is like trying to go  and  fish without bait on your hook.

    Five rules to conceder

    1.The name has to be memorable – but easy to spell.

    Potential clients and customers need to be able to remember your business name. But they also need to be able to find it easily if they’re looking for it online or in a phone book. So choosing a business name that is difficult to remember or spell is a bad idea. Unique names is good but difficult spellings are a bad idea.

    2.A business name needs a visual element

    What popped into your head when you read “Value Xchange Media or Value Xchange Concepts” Anything? People must be able to visualize your business when they read your business name that you invented. Generally we are hard-wired to “see” images when we read or hear language, and incorporating a visual element into your business name can be a powerful aid to your customers’ memory, and also to any future advertising.

    3.A business name has to have positive connotation – convey a image of positive, neutral or negative, depending on the emotional associations people make.

    You need to choose words that have the positive connotations that you want people to associate with your business – and make sure these connotations are suitable for your business.

    If you are starting a trucking business, for instance, you don’t want it to have a weak sounding or negative name, such as “Little Twig Trucking” or “Lady Transport”. You want a business name that conveys strength and reliability. A choice such as “BIG RIG Trucking” would be much better. Notice how all these names have a strong visual element

    4. A business name needs to include information about what your business does

    It certainly isn’t instantly going to become as well known as Nike or McDonald’s to start off . So you need to be sure that your new business name at least gives your potential customers or clients some clues about what you actually do. For example a  hair styling businesses that include words such as “salon” or even “hair designs” in their names. It isn’t hard,  for customers to figure out what products or services are sold. Including information about what your business does in your business name also makes it easier for potential customers and/or clients to find your business in directories

     5. Try  to keep your business name fairly short

    This is vital because you want customers and clients to be able to remember your business’s name (and be able to tell other people what it is)! But it’s also important for promotional purposes. You want a business name, for example, that will fit well on a business card, look good displayed on a sign or in an ad, and perhaps even a business name that will serve well as a domain name and show up well in search if you have an online business. So keep it as short as possible.

    And a last tip: Think about colors when you’re choosing a business name. Colors will be an important component of your business logo and other business promotion materials and your business website, and colors have strong emotional associations, too. Red, for example, is an aggressive color; its fiery elements are associated with speed, excitement, and passion while green is a calming color associated with growth, renewal and nature.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 26, 2016 in Real Estate.

    Good day Darlinton Omeh

    Costruction info all on /construction

    Construction Materials

    A sustainable home must make use of local (indigenous) materials, those occurring ‘naturally’ in the local area.

    House as Assemblage of by-products:

    For thousands and thousands of years, housing was built from found materials such as rock, earth, reeds and logs.

    Today, there are mountains of by-products of our civilization that are already made and delivered to all areas.

    These are the natural resources of the modern humanity.

    Earthship Entry construction

    An Earthship must make use of these materials via techniques available to the common person.

    These materials and the techniques for using them must be accessible to the common person in terms of price and skill required to use them.

    The less energy required to turn a found object into a usable building material the better. This concept is also called embodied-energy.

    Tire pounding

    The Primary Building Block:
    Rammed-Earth encased in Steel Belted Rubber

    The major structural building component of the Earthship is recycled automobile tires filled with compacted earth to form a rammed earth brick encased in steel belted rubber. This brick and the resulting bearing walls it forms is virtually indestructible.

    The Offgassing non-issue. Tires are hazardous in piles, not Earthships.

    Aluminum Cans and Glass/Plastic Bottles:

    These ‘little bricks’ are a great, simple way to build interior, non-structural walls.

    Aluminum can walls actually make very strong walls.

    The ‘little bricks’ create a cement-matrix that is very strong and very easy to build. Bottles can create beautiful colored walls that light shines through.



    Giant Pile of BottlesThe Nature of the Materials

    In keeping with the design and performance requirements of a Earthship Biotecture, the nature of the building matierials for an Earthship must have certain characteristics established. These characteristics must align with, rather than deteriorate, the environment of the planet.

    The requirements and characteristics below describe the nature of the ideal ‘building block’ for constructing the ideal building for residential and commercial applications. Many conventional materials satisfy one or two of these characteristics but no conventional materials satisfies all of them. Therefore, we must ‘invent’ or ‘create’ a new material or building block for the primary structure of the Earthship.


    Materials are found all over the planet. Shipping materials for long distances is not sustainable and uses excessive amounts of energy. In order for the Earthship to be easily accessible to the common person and to maintain a low impact on the planetary energy situation, a “building block” found all over the globe would be required.


    Tire poundingAble to be fashioned with little or no energy: If a building material was found that was indigenous to many parts of the planet but it required massive amounts of energy to fashion into a usable form, then it would not be sustainable and not considered. The major building materials for an earthships must require little or no manufactured energy to fashion into use. This keeps them easily available to common people and at the same time would allow the large scale production of Earthships to maintain a relatively low impact on the planet.

    Since there are so many of us, if we are to survive without literally consuming the planet, everything we use must be chosen with consideration to the impact of large scale application. We must explore building materials and methods that are not dependent on manufactured energy and that have the potential to contribute to the general well-being of the planet rather than exploit it.

    Earthship Biotecture thermal massThermal Mass :

    The materials that surround the spaces of an Earthship must be dense and massive in order to store the temperatures required to provide a habitable environment for humans and plants. The Earthship itself must be a ‘battery’ for storing temperature. Making buildings out of heavy dense mass is as important as making airplanes light. Obviously a heavy airplane takes more fuel to fly. Obviously a light house takes more fuel to heat and cool.

    Tire Wall Can Wall


    We have built out of wood for centuries. Wood is organic and biodegradable. It goes away. So we have developed various poisonous chemical products to paint on it and make it last. This, plus the fact that wood is light and porous, makes it a very unsatisfactory building material. This is not to mention the fact that trees are our source of oxygen. For building housing that will last without chemicals, we should look around for materials that have durability as an inherent quality rather than trying to paint on durability. Wood is definitely a good material for cabinet doors and ceilings where mass is not a factor and where it protected so it will not rot, but the basic massive structure of buildings should be a natural resource that is inherently massive and durable by its own nature.


    Earthquakes are an issue in many parts of the world. Any method of building must relate to this potential threat. Since earthquakes involve a horizontal movement or shaking of the structure, this suggests a material with resilience or capacity to move with this shaking. Brittle materials like concrete, break, crack and fracture. The ideal structural material for dealing with this kind of situation would have a ‘rubbery’ or resilient quality to it. This kind of material would allow movement without failure.



    Earthship Tire Wall steps


    Scotland Earthship

    Low specific skill requirements:

    If the materials for easily obtainable housing are to be truly accessibly to the common person they must, by their very nature, be easy to learn how to assemble. The nature of the materials for building an earthship must allow for assembling skills to be learned and mastered in a matter of hours, not year. These skills must be basic enough that specific talent is not required to learn them.

    Low tech use/application: some systems of building today are simple if one has the appropriate high-tech expensive energy dependeant device or equipment. This, of course, limits the application of these methods to the professionals who have invested in the technology to enable them to use such methods. Becuase of the expense and energy required to get set up for these systems the common person is left totally dependent on those professionals for accessibility to these particular housing systems. Therefore the common person must go through the medium of money (bank loans, interest approvals, etc.) to gain access to a housing system that usually dictates performance and appearance.

    Earthship Music RoomIf high-tech systems and skills are between the common person and their ability to obtain a home, we are setting ourselves up to place the very nature of our housing in the hans of economics rather than in the hands of the people. This situation has resulted in in human, energy-hog housing blocks and developments that make investors some quick money and leave the planet and the people with something that requires constant input of money and energy to operate.

    Earthship technology is the technology of natural phenomenon like the physics of the sun, the earth and people themselves.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 23, 2016 in Marketing.

    All “MMM is a scam, from the word goHistory do repeat itself!

    MMM cannot sustain paying out more than what is invested. Affiliate investment is the only source of revenue,  So eventfully any  MMM scheme will ultimately collapse., They’ll continue to pay ROIs (return on investments) until withdrawals exceed the rate of new investment, and then run out of money all the same.

    One only needs to look at the collapse of MMM China for evidence of what’s to come . Unfortunately for most MMM  investors, the collapse is the end of the line. MMM follows a classic pyramid structure,” The participants derive their income or returns primarily for the recruitment of new members. In other words, the returns are not based on investments or the selling of any product, but on money paid by new people joining. The philosophy is that you offer assistance by paying a joining fee.

    How to identify a pyramid scheme
    You as an investor must learn to recognise the warning signs that a company is promising the impossible. “As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is,”  – be vigilant

    The online world particularly has enabled a potentially devastating unregulated digital pyramid scheme market to flourish, demonstrated by the recent collapse of the Republic of Bitcoin arm of MMM Global and MMM China..

    “In seductively and flashy worded websites, a lack of control and regulation and the risk of losing everything are presented in a way that seems inconsequential and liberating – even when there are warnings to only invest ‘spare’ cash,”

    “While the honeymoon last, members are paid returns on their funds. In reality, very few investments were actually made by any scheme and do they usually inflate returns. Investors eventually losing  everything,

    Always ask these questions:

    Before entering into an investment, or making an ‘online donation’ with the hope of high returns, ask the following questions:

    1. How are returns generated? Legitimate investment schemes are transparent. You should be able to understand the scheme’s underlying assets. Even when derivative structures are used, you should be given enough information to understand your risks and potential returns.

    2. How aggressively are you being pursued to join? Legitimate investment schemes generate returns from invested assets, where fraudulent schemes rely heavily on funds from new members to pay existing members.

    3. How do returns compare with other similar products? If returns are unusually high, be very cautious.

    4. How is the scheme regulated and audited? Regulators and auditors are not foolproof, but the lack of a solid regulatory structure means that no one can hold your scheme accountable for its practices or returns.

    If you are not comfortable with any of the answers to your question, you should rather walk away from the scheme.

    “This is your hard-earned money, so treat it with care. Do your research and do not simply choose to believe what people promoting a scheme and their website tell you.”


    • 6 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 23, 2016 in Management.

    As a new member to this site, and not a native from Nigeria, but native of Africa. I am a white African living in South Africa, and see myself as part of this great continent Africa. The article above is so spot on , and by this I mean it apply to almost every country in Africa. It is as if as soon a political power is attained , with it comes the riches of the country draining to the individuals pockets.

    Forgotten is all the promises of pre-election propaganda, and all is forgotten and blame is just pointed to someone else, as the country keep bleeding dry. In South Africa we are staring down the barrel of a gun, waiting for results from a downgrading to junk status. Unemployment  is at a all time high, the South African Rand is currently at its low against the Dollar. Fuel price is at ridiculous high , food prices  only affordable by the elites, and corruption in almost in every sector.

    No assistance for new business ventures, contracts are given only to the inner circles. Therefore, the system here only create elites. Nothing is done on merit, but purely on who’s to gain the most.  The people will suffer, and come election just new promises of rose gardens and rainbows, and then after that just back to the old ways.

    The President is just jetting around the world, making deals for trading, but at the end its just imports as the country has no production or products to export. Industry growth is nearly non existent and this is the result of major unemployment with political intervention and legislation,

    Africa was once the breadbasket of the world, now we are the basket of the world. Its time we wake up, have  a good look at ourselves, and stop blaming others. Change can only come from us.

    This answer accepted by Darlington Omeh. on November 23, 2016 Earned 15 points.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 23, 2016 in Management.

    Good Day Mr Omeh

    Yes, I am still new to online business opportunities, but one’s never to old to learn, and I believe that obstacles, is just new opportunities. Although I am not really technology “savvy”, as to online business, there is so many useful information, forums, and people who are prepare to assist in knowledge,  and know how.

    Otherwise I just read, read and do more reading, on this. This is also how I came on your website. Everybody is always just looking for info, and think it can only be found in the US or Europe, and totally miss the great and reliable local business successes and people to follow, just like I am doing now, not only do I try to ad good content to your site, but this a schooling for me, I read your articles, your answers – and thus expand my knowledge from a successful online  entrepreneur.

    I have set up a website, but is still in the free site, and not yet my own domain name. Further on I try to write as much content on site to learn more on writing good content, before starting a blog page of my own  I would like to try and educate other to not fall in the foolish mistakes I have made, and on legitimate  .income opportunities, and some affiliate site promotion with Facebook and twitter, but its still young but I am learning.

    • 4 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 22, 2016 in Management.

    My answer to the question.

    I have full time position in the security industry. Working 4 x 12 hour shifts, followed by 4 rest days. But due to stupid decisions in the past , I have to also do other part time work just to make end meet. the result is that I currently work up to 6 to 7 days a week, depending on circumstances.

    I also started out on online business, and is currently investigating the different avenues of income creation online. Other pastime ventures is furniture making, metal work, and creating art.

    With this in mind I would like to  ask the youth , do not wait until your 40’s to wake up and start worrying about the future, start early, learn as much as possible , safe as much as possible, and never stop dreaming, but that dreams without action will always just be a dream. Take action now, for the time will never be just right, do it now!

    Take it from me , I have to work a full time work, and full time part time,  all because I was always chasing pipe dreams and useless stuff to impress others.  Work on your own live, and not to impress anybody, but to uplift yourself. My best advise would be “Entrepreneurship is living   a few years of your live like most people won’t ,  so that you can spend the rest of your live like most people can’t”.

    Live your dream!


    This answer accepted by Darlington Omeh. on November 22, 2016 Earned 15 points.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 21, 2016 in Agriculture.

    Goodday,  Morayo, here is the article

    Can we have a fresh and organic supply of food on a daily basis? A closer look into urban farming, the future and the advantages, and can we become self-sustainable as a society.

    Lets first look at what is urban farming? Urban farming can best be described as farming done in a populated area, like city, town and villages. Urban farming is the means of producing food within city limits. In this article we will look at the two types of small scale backyard farming concepts, which could easily be applied to any condition (Climate, country, land size ext.) from the dry deserts to the rain forests, from the acre plot to the garage.   The opportunity does exist to produce food, no matter where you are.

    First off all, as a society (globally) we must acknowledge the fact that we are on our way to food shortage as the demand is more than production can deliver. Global population is at its highest peaks in history, farming land is becoming scarcer as city limits expand. Water sacristy and global warming is another major factor to current commercial farming methods. Alternative food production and essential, self- sustainable food production is the only means that we would be able to feed the ever-growing world.

    The concept of Aqua-phonics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Both aquaculture and hydroponics have some downsides, hydroponics requires expensive nutrients to feed plants, and also requires periodic flushing of the systems which can lead to waste disposal issues. Re-circulating aquaculture needs to have excess nutrients removed from the system; normally this means that a percentage of the water is removed, generally on a daily basis. Each model however is different in concept, but in theory combinable with each other, and able to produce fast amount of fresh produce and fish in limited space and time the solution to global food production.

    This nutrient rich water then needs to be disposed and replaced with clean fresh water. Re-circulating aquaculture and hydroponics both are very efficient methods of producing fish and vegetables. Look at combining the two, these negative aspects are turned into positives. The positive aspects of both aquaculture and hydroponics are retained and the negative aspects no longer exist. Aquaponics can be as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be.

    What is Aquaponics in lame man terms? It is a hybrid technology that combines “aqua-culture” (fish farming), and “hydroponics” (growing plants without soil). This is an environmentally sound method that wastes hardly any water, uses practically no plant foods, and needs no filtration system for the fish. It works as an eco-system between plants and fish, where fish waste provides a food source for the growing plants, and the plants provide a natural water filter for the fish.

    “Research has shown that an aquaponic system uses about 1/10th of the water used to grow vegetables in the ground.”

    Although fish farming and soilless plant culture have been traced to ancient times (Egyptian farming methods), the combination of the two is quite new. Research in Aquaponics started around the 1970s and continues today. Finally, a proven and practical farming concept has been refined that allows us to grow plants and raise fish with a minimum of waste, costs and productive beneficial and also for our fun as well as for food production functions.

    Aquaponics is a remarkable combination, and a perfect example of synergy inspired to man by nature. If we take a look at nature (the natural way), plants grow in the oceans, and inside and around ponds and lakes and natural wetlands. Why? Creation must have many reasons for this. But one of them is certainly the close relationship that exists between plants, fish and water.

    Fish must live in a clean, well-oxygenated setting, and must be fed correctly. They eat their food and reject their waste in the form of solids and liquids. The build up of wastes in the tank will poison the fish. (This is why your home aquariums are always sold with a special filter, which eliminates fish waste).

    Plants consume most of their food through their roots. In order to do so, the solids must be reduced to their chemical foundations. This is called “deification process”. Simply described, the solids must be exposed to water in order to feed certain bacteria (the “nitro-bacteria”), which begin to break them down. All along the chain of bacteria, solids are transformed first into Nitrites, a terrible poison to plants, and then, into Nitrates, which plants eat and thrive on.

    While the plants absorb their food, they remove all wastes from the fish water, thus supplying a clean and healthy setting, which the fish need to live in.

    The adapting of this concept of the backyard farming, with this technology, introduced to homes and to the global society for pleasure, fun and small to medium scale food production, haven global implications for us all. On a hobby level, Aquaponics has the potential to catch on quickly. It is a very easy and rather inexpensive process that will please gardeners and fish lovers alike. (As no special equipment, skill, farming knowledge or large land is necessary)

    So what do you need to setup an Aquaponics system? (Believe it or not just 6 on this list- no tractors, acres of land – this is a basic setup for a home system)

    1       a fish tank and a plant support ( could be anything from metal to wooden frames – to support your grow beds)

    2       bacteria to decompose the fish wastes

    3       a filter to host the bacteria and aerate the water

    4       fish and fish food

    5       plants

    6       pH regulators (Up and Down) and Test Kit (same as swimming pool ph test kit) , and an exhaustive supplement of micro and sub microelements, to prevent eventual deficiencies in the plant’s diet.

    The trouble with traditional soil-based gardening is that it is a labour intensive method, weed control, the amount of water required, soil-borne insects, heavy digging and labour work, the ever present bending and back strain, and then the little critters like raccoons, rabbits and other 4-legged pests. An extensive knowledge on farming and crops is required to know when to water, when and how to fertilize, when and what to plant and what is the composition of the soil.

    How Aquaponics changes the game on backyard farming and crop growing.

    Waist-high Aquaponics gardening eliminates weeds, back strain and small animal access to your garden. Aquaponics use all of its resources again. In Aquaponics there is no more toxic run-off from either hydroponics or aquaculture. Aquaponics uses only 1/10th of the water of soil-based gardening, and even less water than hydroponics or recirculation aquaculture.

    Watering is integral to an Aquaponics system. You can’t under-water or over-water. Fertilizing is also essential to an Aquaponics system, but the advantage is that you can’t over-fertilize or under-fertilize. Gardening and labour tasks are cut down dramatically or in instances even eliminated. The Aquaponics grower is able to focus on the pleasant tasks of feeding the fish and tending and harvesting the plants.

    Fish and plant equipment:

    Any pet shop will help you buy the aquarium, the filter, and the nitro-bacteria needed to convert the fish waste into plant food. (In Aquaponics this bacteria are not essential to buy, as they will naturally develop in the tank in about 3 weeks).

    As for the grow system, it can be made from barrels cut in half, wood grow beds lined them with pvc sheet, almost anything that can hold water can be used for your grow beds, your budget will decide.

    It is important to secure an excellent oxygenation of the solution, for the fishes as well as for the plants. Of course ensure proper temperature, good ventilation, cleanliness, etc… Place your grow system on top of the aquarium, add a pump to create the circulation system, and you are set. You have created your first Aquaponics fish farm.

    The fish:

    There are many fish species to select from. It is best to choose fresh water species, as your plants won’t be happy in saline, salty water. You can mix several species or you can have only one type at a time, this is your choice. Here again your pet shop will advice you on the ones you can raise according to the size of your tank and the temperature of your water. Ideal species to use is Japanese Kio’s carps, tilapia, trout, catfish, bass, bluegills and an array of other aquarium fish. Whatever your conclusion to your own requirements, of what you would like to achieve, be it fish for eating (Tilapia, carp, trout) or just to have ornamental fish(koi, goldfish) ?

    The plants:

    You can grow about any plants in Aquaponics. If you start out and want to learn the ropes you can experiment and see what plants gives you the best  returns, and as you mature your back yard farm  operation, it is best to choose plants which thrive on high Nitrogen levels like lettuces, aromatic and culinary herbs.

    But as a hobby gardener, or to raise your “back yard garden”, you can choose all the plants you want: decorative, edible, medicinal, herbs, etc… What you must ensure is a steady balance between the quantities of fish (including the relation to fish feed) in the tank, and the amount of plants in order to prevent toxicities and deficiencies.

    Now what plants are most suited for Aquaponics?

    Vegetables like: Lettuce, Beans, Squash, Zucchini, Broccoli, Peppers, Cucumbers, Peas, and Spinach,

    Fruits like: Strawberries, Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Tomatoes

    Flowers: Almost all Most garden varieties

    Herbs like: Basil, Thyme, Cilantro, Sage, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Oregano and Parsley

    Fish feed:

    Fish feed is an important factor. It has to be of good quality, so that your fish eat as much of the food as possible, and leave less waste as a by-product in the reservoir. You can prepare your own fish feed too! For those who want to guarantee a 100% organic crop, this may be their best alternative. In any event, and whichever your fish diet is, it is not uncommon to experience some deficiencies in your plants, especially iron. For this you just add, once every 2 to 3 weeks, a few drops of Bio Essentials, as a supplement. That’s all; you need nothing else for a healthy crop.

    And that is about it. You are all set. Sit back, enjoy your fish, and watch your plants grow happily in the most natural and economical grow system possible.

    Want to be a farmer and grow your own food. This is the future of farming and food production, 100% pesticide free, 100% Organic, totally water wise and self sustainable, but most of all its fun for the whole family. A green future where your plants – and fish – will bring you happiness and satisfaction, and the best crops possible!

    if you need more info send me a mail and I forward you all free info I got , I am doing this on small scale at home, and its fun.

    • 3 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 21, 2016 in Agriculture.

    First off all, as a society (globally) we must acknowledge the fact that we are on our way to food shortage as the demand is more than production can deliver. Global population is at its highest peaks in history, farming land is becoming scarcer as city limits expand. Water sacristy and global warming is another major factor to current commercial farming methods. Alternative food production and essential, self- sustainable food production is the only means that we would be able to feed the ever-growing world.

    The concept of Aqua-phonics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Both aquaculture and hydroponics have some downsides, hydroponics requires expensive nutrients to feed plants, and also requires periodic flushing of the systems which can lead to waste disposal issues. Re-circulating aquaculture needs to have excess nutrients removed from the system; normally this means that a percentage of the water is removed, generally on a daily basis. Each model however is different in concept, but in theory combinable with each other, and able to produce fast amount of fresh produce and fish in limited space and time the solution to global food production.

    This nutrient rich water then needs to be disposed and replaced with clean fresh water. Re-circulating aquaculture and hydroponics both are very efficient methods of producing fish and vegetables. Look at combining the two, these negative aspects are turned into positives. The positive aspects of both aquaculture and hydroponics are retained and the negative aspects no longer exist. Aquaponics can be as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be.

    What is Aquaponics in lame man terms? It is a hybrid technology that combines “aqua-culture” (fish farming), and “hydroponics” (growing plants without soil). This is an environmentally sound method that wastes hardly any water, uses practically no plant foods, and needs no filtration system for the fish. It works as an eco-system between plants and fish, where fish waste provides a food source for the growing plants, and the plants provide a natural water filter for the fish.

    “Research has shown that an aquaponic system uses about 1/10th of the water used to grow vegetables in the ground.”

    Although fish farming and soilless plant culture have been traced to ancient times (Egyptian farming methods), the combination of the two is quite new. Research in Aquaponics started around the 1970s and continues today. Finally, a proven and practical farming concept has been refined that allows us to grow plants and raise fish with a minimum of waste, costs and productive beneficial and also for our fun as well as for food production functions.

    Aquaponics is a remarkable combination, and a perfect example of synergy inspired to man by nature. If we take a look at nature (the natural way), plants grow in the oceans, and inside and around ponds and lakes and natural wetlands. Why? Creation must have many reasons for this. But one of them is certainly the close relationship that exists between plants, fish and water.

    Fish must live in a clean, well-oxygenated setting, and must be fed correctly. They eat their food and reject their waste in the form of solids and liquids. The build up of wastes in the tank will poison the fish. (This is why your home aquariums are always sold with a special filter, which eliminates fish waste).

    Plants consume most of their food through their roots. In order to do so, the solids must be reduced to their chemical foundations. This is called “deification process”. Simply described, the solids must be exposed to water in order to feed certain bacteria (the “nitro-bacteria”), which begin to break them down. All along the chain of bacteria, solids are transformed first into Nitrites, a terrible poison to plants, and then, into Nitrates, which plants eat and thrive on.

    While the plants absorb their food, they remove all wastes from the fish water, thus supplying a clean and healthy setting, which the fish need to live in.

    The adapting of this concept of the backyard farming, with this technology, introduced to homes and to the global society for pleasure, fun and small to medium scale food production, haven global implications for us all. On a hobby level, Aquaponics has the potential to catch on quickly. It is a very easy and rather inexpensive process that will please gardeners and fish lovers alike. (As no special equipment, skill, farming knowledge or large land is necessary)

    So what do you need to setup an Aquaponics system? (Believe it or not just 6 on this list- no tractors, acres of land – this is a basic setup for a home system)

    1       a fish tank and a plant support ( could be anything from metal to wooden frames – to support your grow beds)

    2       bacteria to decompose the fish wastes

    3       a filter to host the bacteria and aerate the water

    4       fish and fish food

    5       plants

    6       pH regulators (Up and Down) and Test Kit (same as swimming pool ph test kit) , and an exhaustive supplement of micro and sub microelements, to prevent eventual deficiencies in the plant’s diet.

    The trouble with traditional soil-based gardening is that it is a labour intensive method, weed control, the amount of water required, soil-borne insects, heavy digging and labour work, the ever present bending and back strain, and then the little critters like raccoons, rabbits and other 4-legged pests. An extensive knowledge on farming and crops is required to know when to water, when and how to fertilize, when and what to plant and what is the composition of the soil.

    How Aquaponics changes the game on backyard farming and crop growing.

    Waist-high Aquaponics gardening eliminates weeds, back strain and small animal access to your garden. Aquaponics use all of its resources again. In Aquaponics there is no more toxic run-off from either hydroponics or aquaculture. Aquaponics uses only 1/10th of the water of soil-based gardening, and even less water than hydroponics or recirculation aquaculture.

    Watering is integral to an Aquaponics system. You can’t under-water or over-water. Fertilizing is also essential to an Aquaponics system, but the advantage is that you can’t over-fertilize or under-fertilize. Gardening and labour tasks are cut down dramatically or in instances even eliminated. The Aquaponics grower is able to focus on the pleasant tasks of feeding the fish and tending and harvesting the plants.

    Fish and plant equipment:

    Any pet shop will help you buy the aquarium, the filter, and the nitro-bacteria needed to convert the fish waste into plant food. (In Aquaponics this bacteria are not essential to buy, as they will naturally develop in the tank in about 3 weeks).

    As for the grow system, it can be made from barrels cut in half, wood grow beds lined them with pvc sheet, almost anything that can hold water can be used for your grow beds, your budget will decide.

    It is important to secure an excellent oxygenation of the solution, for the fishes as well as for the plants. Of course ensure proper temperature, good ventilation, cleanliness, etc… Place your grow system on top of the aquarium, add a pump to create the circulation system, and you are set. You have created your first Aquaponics fish farm.

    The fish:

    There are many fish species to select from. It is best to choose fresh water species, as your plants won’t be happy in saline, salty water. You can mix several species or you can have only one type at a time, this is your choice. Here again your pet shop will advice you on the ones you can raise according to the size of your tank and the temperature of your water. Ideal species to use is Japanese Kio’s carps, tilapia, trout, catfish, bass, bluegills and an array of other aquarium fish. Whatever your conclusion to your own requirements, of what you would like to achieve, be it fish for eating (Tilapia, carp, trout) or just to have ornamental fish(koi, goldfish) ?

    The plants:

    You can grow about any plants in Aquaponics. If you start out and want to learn the ropes you can experiment and see what plants gives you the best  returns, and as you mature your back yard farm  operation, it is best to choose plants which thrive on high Nitrogen levels like lettuces, aromatic and culinary herbs.

    But as a hobby gardener, or to raise your “back yard garden”, you can choose all the plants you want: decorative, edible, medicinal, herbs, etc… What you must ensure is a steady balance between the quantities of fish (including the relation to fish feed) in the tank, and the amount of plants in order to prevent toxicities and deficiencies.

    Now what plants are most suited for Aquaponics?

    Vegetables like: Lettuce, Beans, Squash, Zucchini, Broccoli, Peppers, Cucumbers, Peas, and Spinach,

    Fruits like: Strawberries, Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Tomatoes

    Flowers: Almost all Most garden varieties

    Herbs like: Basil, Thyme, Cilantro, Sage, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Oregano and Parsley

    Fish feed:

    Fish feed is an important factor. It has to be of good quality, so that your fish eat as much of the food as possible, and leave less waste as a by-product in the reservoir. You can prepare your own fish feed too! For those who want to guarantee a 100% organic crop, this may be their best alternative. In any event, and whichever your fish diet is, it is not uncommon to experience some deficiencies in your plants, especially iron. For this you just add, once every 2 to 3 weeks, a few drops of Bio Essentials, as a supplement. That’s all; you need nothing else for a healthy crop.

    And that is about it. You are all set. Sit back, enjoy your fish, and watch your plants grow happily in the most natural and economical grow system possible.

    Want to be a farmer and grow your own food. This is the future of farming and food production, 100% pesticide free, 100% Organic, totally water wise and self sustainable, but most of all its fun for the whole family. A green future where your plants – and fish – will bring you happiness and satisfaction, and the best crops possible!

    just google backyard aquaponics and you would found all info needed and its free.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 21, 2016 in Technology.

    Good day

    the best solution would be to invest in a industrial reverse osmoses water system. if you want to go into the water  business, this would be a advantage. This is the same system most water business use, as it will remove all odour, and solids  from your water, through a filter and UV system. there is a lot of suppliers , but be aware that the system do require service by the installer so it would be advisable to get in contact with a local supplier, even if cost could be more, but it is easier to have a technician on hand should any break down occur.


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  • Active Member Asked on November 21, 2016 in E-Commerce.

    This is what I use to identify and investigate before any investments

    My scam identification chain of enquiry.

    1. BITTRUST :

    This is a website that was initiated to review bitcoin websites and businesses.

    Just search the BTC business in the “search bar” and look for any reviews on your specific business name. Any negative, scam or fraudulent activities will be review here. People tent to quickly complain and review bad service, so to not find a business in BITTRUST could also be a good sign, and do not mean that the business has not been rated yet, but that the business has not yet been “bad rated” as yet, with no users complaint.

    BITTRUST is a personal moment and report site, so this means that anyone can however leave replay or bad moth any BTC company on this site. So it would be advisable to use this site just as a starting point, the “ trough a stone in the bush, and see what you hit” point

    1. ALEXA RANK:  

    Alexa  Rank offer you the use of an analytics tool, this means you can determine the amount of traffic any www. Site is receiving. Searched the site domain name of the business, and you will get an ALEXA ranking. All you have to do is no interpret the ranking with the following criteria.

    1. 0-10 000: huge amount of traffic
    2. 10 000 – 100 000: a well established business with large traffic.
    3. 100 000 – 500 000: descent amount of traffic.
    4. 500 000+: very little traffic

    To use this ranking system, you can determine for example a site has a 65 000 traffic ranking, the website generate a large amount of genuine traffic and can probably be trusted.


    This site can be a bit confusing, but very use full.  Go to enter the BTC service or business in the search box at the “top Right”. You will find all the different threads that is related to your search.  Enter to the “comments” and you can see what other people are saying about your specific search.

    I would also advise again to read the comments with analysis, and filter through the list, familiarise yourself with what is “good and what is bad” complaints.

    You can also go to “google” search and type the business name + reddit, “goggle will supply you with the most popular searches relating to your search.


    With Whois you will be able to determine website and business ownership, and who is behind any business? With the anonymity of bitcoin, most of today’s scaly and dodgy businesses they tend to not “Open Register” their businesses and try to stay as secret and anonymous as possible, and register the business as “Privacy registration”.

    As in the real world, every business has to be registered and in someone’s name. Some people prefer to stay anonymous and confidential; using WHOIS you can determine who the registered owner of any domain name is.

    You can also go to “google” search and type the business name + reddit, “goggle will supply you with the most popular searches relating to your search.


    This is a bitcoin forum with many discussions relating to bitcoin businesses and reviews. This forum is also the centre of discussions on any new scams that would arise in the bitcoin world and usually one of the first places that would discuss any new scams.

    To access bitcoin talk just access the forum and search the business name in the search bar, alternative just search “google” search with business name+bitcointalk.

    Study the reviews for criteria, as people do intent to complain quite easily.


    The true and reliable bitcoin businesses will most probably be registered at Bitcoin Foundation. You can searched the membership page list and enquire about membership to a specific business.

    Take into account that the Bitcoin Foundation is a paid member foundation. If the business you enquire about is indeed on the list, it can be assumed that the business is probably legit. But, also consider that paid membership also have a downfall, as not every business want to spend money to belong to a foundation, for whatever reason.


    1. The CONTACK US/ABOUT US page

    Going through these pages of a website will give you countless of disguised clues as to the legitimacy of a company.  Usually important info will not appear on these pages. Look out for physical addresses, pictures of people, who actually exist, contact number phone and cellular (and yes, contact them for legitimacy). No Phone and address – a sign of “I do not what to be found”

    “The Crazy phrase”,   be attentive, bogus sites are very cleaver at this. They do this for a living and use phrases “what you want to hear and see”. A deceptive and believable phrase could easily cost you your money, be vigilant.

    Be on the lookout and investigate for real and provable data, do not just believe any written statement. Resurge, the people involved, if it’s legit it will be supplied – whether on Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn profiles.

    1. OPENSITE EXPLORER (Domain authority and trust flow)

    The use of Open Site Explorer allows you to surge for a specific website “domain authority”.  Domain authority is determined by the number of other websites that is actually linking to a specific website. What this means is that the mote websites that link to a specific website, the authenticity to that that is usually legit. The domain authority is generated between numbers 0-100.

    If you found a number to be below 20, I would be on the cautious side, and with numbers over 35 I would be to believe that the website is getting links from around the www, and probably legit.

    1. MAJESTIC:

    Majestic can also be use to determine a site trustworthiness. This is also determent with the force a website linked up with   other websites around the internet.

    Majestic number configuration on trustworthiness differs on calculation, and here a trust number less than 10 would be handled with caution.


    The most and important factor to remember” IF IT’S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT USUALLY IS”

    The ultimate way to safeguard and protect yourself is to be vigilant in all your decisions about money. No one of the above mentioned leads and chains should be used alone, but in conjunction with each other so to strengthen your perception, and intend.


    • 10 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Finance.

    Bitcoin is a phrase and word not in many people’s conversations, especially in Nigeria and Africa.

    So what is bitcoin? Bitcoin is in reality just a factual currency that is not only confusing the average Joe but also well seasoned economist.

    For those who have a better understanding of crypto currencies (internet money), and what to learn more and where to buy bitcoin in Nigeria.

    In Africa we’ve got two options to buy bitcoin.  That is from a trusted friend (when it comes to money, they are few) or from a secure bitcoin exchange. ICE3X is one of the most trusted reputable platforms for you bitcoin experience. Established in 2013 with real people in the business and financial sector in Africa economics. The platform is the ideal place to start your endeavor.

    • 2 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Finance.

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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Consulting.

    If you are looking for good content, and even profit from it. go to, to link up here is free, this will never cost u any thing . you will learn a lot about blogging, writing articles, posting and sharing , and best off all its free, always.. And even greater advantage is that you will be rewarded ( get paid cash) , for writing, articles , posting and sharing,  try it . this is great .

    join thousands of bloggers and learn for free from top international writers.

    • 4 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Agriculture.

    Can we have a fresh and organic supply of food on a daily basis? A closer look into urban farming, the future and the advantages, and can we become self-sustainable as a society.

    The concept of Aqua-phonics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Both aquaculture and hydroponics have some downsides, hydroponics requires expensive nutrients to feed plants, and also requires periodic flushing of the systems which can lead to waste disposal issues. Re-circulating aquaculture needs to have excess nutrients removed from the system; normally this means that a percentage of the water is removed, generally on a daily basis. Each model however is different in concept, but in theory combinable with each other, and able to produce fast amount of fresh produce and fish in limited space and time the solution to global food production.

    you can look into this type of farming , I do think that this is the future of farming .

    • 1 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Agriculture.

    I’ve write on aquaponics, this is the future of farming, and especially if ones new to farming, this will save lots of water uses only 1 tenth of normal farming , and you can farm fish with vegetables on very small land.

    hope this help. this info is free you do not have to buy any books ext. this is free plans of setup, how to do build plans everything you need to start farming .

    • 2 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Agriculture.

    Good day, why not  try to do aquaponics – this is where you combine fish and vegetables, not very labour intensive, safe plenty of water, and can be done on the side, as you grow your business you can decide of your future. see my article with links to all info regarding this type of farming  and how to . this info is free  you do not have to buy this info –  but you can profit from this type of farming. give it a look

    • 3 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Business.

    Good day , what I found that assist me, is to learn from successful bloggers, visit their sites and  look what they do, and copy their

    Concept but remember not their CONTENT. Start to write about what you know, your own interests its much easier and more natural. Do not try and be somebody else, be yourself, develop your own style. Everybody else is doing it.

    • 4 answers
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  • Active Member Asked on November 15, 2016 in Agriculture.

    Good day, you go over to the blog section of this website, there are number of articles there on poultry farming. It also has post a article on aqua phonics (fish faming) with links to all free info regarding how to start and everything you would need to do this type of farming, from any ware in the world , all plans are free and you can download. I am also doing it small scale at my home (south Africa).    just search – aquaponics  in search bar – hope this can help.

    • 1 answers
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