Cost of Constructing Poultry Pen in Nigeria

Many are of the opinion that constructing a poultry pen in Nigeria is very expensive. How true is that?

Please can anyone shed more light on this and clarify this with the right cost of Constructing a Poultry pen in Nigeria. Thank you.

Active Member Asked on October 4, 2017 in Agriculture.
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1 Answer(s)

A poultry pen construction requires alot of planning and strategising. There is no off-hand answer to how much it cost to set up a poultry pen because it depends on the size of the pen, and also depends on whether it is for commercial purposes or not. Construction costs for poultry pen intended for personal use are not much. On the other hand, if the poultry pen is for commercial purposes, especially largescale poultry pen, then quite a large amount of funding is required.

Using a 5,000 bird capacity pen as an example, the financial resources needed to fully construct this will range from N4,000,000 to N5,000,000. The construction cost will typically be lower for a lesser number of birds, and higher for a higher capacity poultry pen.

Active Member Answered on October 4, 2017.
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