How Can i Control Odor In Pig Farming?

Please how can one control the odor from the farm from reaching to nearby communities and people around the farm.  I need help, thanks.

Active Member Asked on March 19, 2018 in Agriculture.
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1 Answer(s)

Although the odour cannot be erased completely, but you can take some precautions to minimize the odour so as not to get neighbours angry or make your street unbearable for family and friends.

The best thing Is to make your pig house far from the town a bit. And aside the location, you can try:

Use good quality drinking water low in sulfates and nitrates.

Use split-sex feeding to enhance nutrient efficiency and reduce nutrient excretions.

Use proper grinding and/or pelleting to enhance digestibility of feeds and reduce nitrogen excretion by 20 to 24%.

Use phase-feeding to enhance nutrient efficiency and reduce nutrient excretions.

Dutch research has shown that a three-phase feeding program can reduce ammonia emissions 45% and odors 55%.

Use wet feeding (3:1 water to feed ratio) to reduce odors from 23% to 31% by reducing water and feed spillage.

Add oils and fats to feed (1% or more) to reduce production of dust, which carries odor.

Expert Consultant Answered on March 19, 2018.
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