How Can I start Producing Food Spices in Nigeria?
Good day,
Please I would like to know all there is to know about food spice production. What and where are the research bodies in Nigeria, that can help me come up with making the best food spices? Plus what are the things I am expected to do and have in place before production start’s fully? Last but not the least where do I get the production machines from? Thank you.
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Spices are an essential commodity that is being consumed daily by almost the whole Nigerian population. This means with a good spice production, plan and packaging. You will add values to the society, which will in turn take you to the millionaire status.
I have a question to ask before i proceed.
Do you want to get these spices like curry leafs, ginger, thyme leafs, dried pepper in raw form from farmers or you want to handle the production yourself?
@Adebisi Opeyemi I think for starters I would source from farmers then later go into production? Which option do you think is better?