How Does Hydroponics Farming Works? Any Useful Answer??


I need to go into hydroponics farming and I understand that in this kind of farming you don’t need to plant in the soil but in water.  What i want to know is how the plant can stand in the container.

Any useful answer on how hydroponics farming works is highly appreciated in advance.

New Member Asked on October 27, 2016 in Agriculture.
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4 Answer(s)
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The plants can be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics can be from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients.

There are two main variations for each medium of hydroponics farming, sub-irrigation and top irrigation. For all techniques, most hydroponic reservoirs are now built of plastic, but other materials have been used including concrete, glass, metal, vegetable solids, and wood. The containers should exclude light to prevent algae growth in the nutrient solution.

Pro Consultant Answered on October 28, 2016.
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Good morning Mr Darlinton and thanks for your answer to my question.

New Member Answered on November 1, 2016.
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pls sir i will need the Ebook send me the location on how to get the hard copy thanks.

New Member Answered on November 1, 2016.

Which eBook is that pls. All the eBooks I have are on the ebook page here and details on how to get them are there. Thank you

on November 1, 2016.
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First off all, as a society (globally) we must acknowledge the fact that we are on our way to food shortage as the demand is more than production can deliver. Global population is at its highest peaks in history, farming land is becoming scarcer as city limits expand. Water sacristy and global warming is another major factor to current commercial farming methods. Alternative food production and essential, self- sustainable food production is the only means that we would be able to feed the ever-growing world.

The concept of Aqua-phonics is essentially the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Both aquaculture and hydroponics have some downsides, hydroponics requires expensive nutrients to feed plants, and also requires periodic flushing of the systems which can lead to waste disposal issues. Re-circulating aquaculture needs to have excess nutrients removed from the system; normally this means that a percentage of the water is removed, generally on a daily basis. Each model however is different in concept, but in theory combinable with each other, and able to produce fast amount of fresh produce and fish in limited space and time the solution to global food production.

This nutrient rich water then needs to be disposed and replaced with clean fresh water. Re-circulating aquaculture and hydroponics both are very efficient methods of producing fish and vegetables. Look at combining the two, these negative aspects are turned into positives. The positive aspects of both aquaculture and hydroponics are retained and the negative aspects no longer exist. Aquaponics can be as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be.

What is Aquaponics in lame man terms? It is a hybrid technology that combines “aqua-culture” (fish farming), and “hydroponics” (growing plants without soil). This is an environmentally sound method that wastes hardly any water, uses practically no plant foods, and needs no filtration system for the fish. It works as an eco-system between plants and fish, where fish waste provides a food source for the growing plants, and the plants provide a natural water filter for the fish.

“Research has shown that an aquaponic system uses about 1/10th of the water used to grow vegetables in the ground.”

Although fish farming and soilless plant culture have been traced to ancient times (Egyptian farming methods), the combination of the two is quite new. Research in Aquaponics started around the 1970s and continues today. Finally, a proven and practical farming concept has been refined that allows us to grow plants and raise fish with a minimum of waste, costs and productive beneficial and also for our fun as well as for food production functions.

Aquaponics is a remarkable combination, and a perfect example of synergy inspired to man by nature. If we take a look at nature (the natural way), plants grow in the oceans, and inside and around ponds and lakes and natural wetlands. Why? Creation must have many reasons for this. But one of them is certainly the close relationship that exists between plants, fish and water.

Fish must live in a clean, well-oxygenated setting, and must be fed correctly. They eat their food and reject their waste in the form of solids and liquids. The build up of wastes in the tank will poison the fish. (This is why your home aquariums are always sold with a special filter, which eliminates fish waste).

Plants consume most of their food through their roots. In order to do so, the solids must be reduced to their chemical foundations. This is called “deification process”. Simply described, the solids must be exposed to water in order to feed certain bacteria (the “nitro-bacteria”), which begin to break them down. All along the chain of bacteria, solids are transformed first into Nitrites, a terrible poison to plants, and then, into Nitrates, which plants eat and thrive on.

While the plants absorb their food, they remove all wastes from the fish water, thus supplying a clean and healthy setting, which the fish need to live in.

The adapting of this concept of the backyard farming, with this technology, introduced to homes and to the global society for pleasure, fun and small to medium scale food production, haven global implications for us all. On a hobby level, Aquaponics has the potential to catch on quickly. It is a very easy and rather inexpensive process that will please gardeners and fish lovers alike. (As no special equipment, skill, farming knowledge or large land is necessary)

So what do you need to setup an Aquaponics system? (Believe it or not just 6 on this list- no tractors, acres of land – this is a basic setup for a home system)

1       a fish tank and a plant support ( could be anything from metal to wooden frames – to support your grow beds)

2       bacteria to decompose the fish wastes

3       a filter to host the bacteria and aerate the water

4       fish and fish food

5       plants

6       pH regulators (Up and Down) and Test Kit (same as swimming pool ph test kit) , and an exhaustive supplement of micro and sub microelements, to prevent eventual deficiencies in the plant’s diet.

The trouble with traditional soil-based gardening is that it is a labour intensive method, weed control, the amount of water required, soil-borne insects, heavy digging and labour work, the ever present bending and back strain, and then the little critters like raccoons, rabbits and other 4-legged pests. An extensive knowledge on farming and crops is required to know when to water, when and how to fertilize, when and what to plant and what is the composition of the soil.

How Aquaponics changes the game on backyard farming and crop growing.

Waist-high Aquaponics gardening eliminates weeds, back strain and small animal access to your garden. Aquaponics use all of its resources again. In Aquaponics there is no more toxic run-off from either hydroponics or aquaculture. Aquaponics uses only 1/10th of the water of soil-based gardening, and even less water than hydroponics or recirculation aquaculture.

Watering is integral to an Aquaponics system. You can’t under-water or over-water. Fertilizing is also essential to an Aquaponics system, but the advantage is that you can’t over-fertilize or under-fertilize. Gardening and labour tasks are cut down dramatically or in instances even eliminated. The Aquaponics grower is able to focus on the pleasant tasks of feeding the fish and tending and harvesting the plants.

Fish and plant equipment:

Any pet shop will help you buy the aquarium, the filter, and the nitro-bacteria needed to convert the fish waste into plant food. (In Aquaponics this bacteria are not essential to buy, as they will naturally develop in the tank in about 3 weeks).

As for the grow system, it can be made from barrels cut in half, wood grow beds lined them with pvc sheet, almost anything that can hold water can be used for your grow beds, your budget will decide.

It is important to secure an excellent oxygenation of the solution, for the fishes as well as for the plants. Of course ensure proper temperature, good ventilation, cleanliness, etc… Place your grow system on top of the aquarium, add a pump to create the circulation system, and you are set. You have created your first Aquaponics fish farm.

The fish:

There are many fish species to select from. It is best to choose fresh water species, as your plants won’t be happy in saline, salty water. You can mix several species or you can have only one type at a time, this is your choice. Here again your pet shop will advice you on the ones you can raise according to the size of your tank and the temperature of your water. Ideal species to use is Japanese Kio’s carps, tilapia, trout, catfish, bass, bluegills and an array of other aquarium fish. Whatever your conclusion to your own requirements, of what you would like to achieve, be it fish for eating (Tilapia, carp, trout) or just to have ornamental fish(koi, goldfish) ?

The plants:

You can grow about any plants in Aquaponics. If you start out and want to learn the ropes you can experiment and see what plants gives you the best  returns, and as you mature your back yard farm  operation, it is best to choose plants which thrive on high Nitrogen levels like lettuces, aromatic and culinary herbs.

But as a hobby gardener, or to raise your “back yard garden”, you can choose all the plants you want: decorative, edible, medicinal, herbs, etc… What you must ensure is a steady balance between the quantities of fish (including the relation to fish feed) in the tank, and the amount of plants in order to prevent toxicities and deficiencies.

Now what plants are most suited for Aquaponics?

Vegetables like: Lettuce, Beans, Squash, Zucchini, Broccoli, Peppers, Cucumbers, Peas, and Spinach,

Fruits like: Strawberries, Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Tomatoes

Flowers: Almost all Most garden varieties

Herbs like: Basil, Thyme, Cilantro, Sage, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Oregano and Parsley

Fish feed:

Fish feed is an important factor. It has to be of good quality, so that your fish eat as much of the food as possible, and leave less waste as a by-product in the reservoir. You can prepare your own fish feed too! For those who want to guarantee a 100% organic crop, this may be their best alternative. In any event, and whichever your fish diet is, it is not uncommon to experience some deficiencies in your plants, especially iron. For this you just add, once every 2 to 3 weeks, a few drops of Bio Essentials, as a supplement. That’s all; you need nothing else for a healthy crop.

And that is about it. You are all set. Sit back, enjoy your fish, and watch your plants grow happily in the most natural and economical grow system possible.

Want to be a farmer and grow your own food. This is the future of farming and food production, 100% pesticide free, 100% Organic, totally water wise and self sustainable, but most of all its fun for the whole family. A green future where your plants – and fish – will bring you happiness and satisfaction, and the best crops possible!

just google backyard aquaponics and you would found all info needed and its free.

Active Member Answered on November 21, 2016.
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