Need Government Clearance to Shoot at a Movie in Nigeria

I know that these is applied in developed countries. I just want to know if i will need a clearance or informing the Government  before i could shoot a movie at my preferred location

Return Member Asked on November 23, 2017 in Movie.
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2 Answer(s)
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Being a developing Country have its advantages too.

You do not need a clearance from the Government before you can shoot a movie. You just need the permission from the owner of the exact place.

If you want to involve the whole state, you might need a permission for that. Since its just a particular, a mall, a bank, a hospital, etc. You only need the permission of the people in charge of the place.

However, if you want to go wide by using the Nigeria army battalion, or you need a massive ammunition, or you want to blow up a part of the city. You need to inform the government. But if it’s just all these normal film production, just go ahead with your thing.

Expert Consultant Answered on November 23, 2017.
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Thanks. I just wanted to be sure. Funny answer though.

Return Member Answered on November 23, 2017.
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