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Why Apple Farming in Nigeria is Great Opportunity

Apple farming is the newest farming business opportunity in Nigeria for smart people who knows how to grab opportunities. We always hear the sayings that an apple a day keeps one free from chronic illness and diseases. Our minds usually go straight to the foreign apples which is almost everywhere in Nigeria.

Well, foreign apple is not the only apple that can keep you free from illnesses. The good news is that the tropically grown Bell Apple has been discovered to be highly nutritious and compete favorably with the foreign apples that we all know. This is where wise entrepreneurs are seeing great opportunity.

If there is any right time for bell apple farming in Nigeria, it has to be now. The need for this locally grown apple is fast growing as well as the business volumes it generate. People are already making fortunes with Bell Apple farming in Nigeria. This is because of the rising demands from fruit juice producing companies.

SEE ALSO: How to start pineapple farming in Nigeria

Nigeria is a blessed country no doubt when you consider so many opportunities that are open for its citizens. The country is known to be among the crude oil producing nations in the world and that has led its citizens away from farming, concentrating all their energy in competing for oil products as if that is the only natural resources we have. As if oil is the only means of foreign exchange for the country.

Far from the truth, there are thousands of great opportunities within the country and many who have decided to look into that direction are smiling to the banks regularly with pure profits from their various farming businesses which Bell Apple farming has recently become part of.

So far we have exposed the potentials in Yam farming, Cucumber farming, Pineapple cultivation, and even Ewedu farming as well as other farming opportunities in Nigeria and still continuing, which most Nigerians have been looking away from. Call it a secret non-oil exports and you are correct!

You can make over 10 million per year from bell apple farming in Nigeria if you start now and do it well. Bell is becoming as expensive as the other foreign apples and the demand is steadily increasing in the market.

Apple Farming Business Opportunity

According to some bell apple farmers in Nigeria, Bell Apple farming is a money spinner. There are many business opportunities in the Bell Apple business aside from the main farming.

Bell Apple Seedling Opportunity

One can actually make a fortune raising bell apple seedlings. Within few months with a start up capital of between N20,000 to N50,000 you can multiply your investment!

There is high demand for bell apple seedlings in the country because there only few trees in Nigeria. The market for bell apple is growing in the country and prominent farmers are on the look out for the seedlings which one can even start with.

Bell Apple goes for N100 per seedling and one can start with 100 seedlings which is N10,000 while the remaining N10,000 goes into container constructions and other expenses.

In fact, bell Apple can be grown in any soil except sandy soil. It is something you can even start in the backyard. It takes up to three weeks for bell apple to germinate and is ready for sale after 10 weeks at the rate of N750 per seedling!

Soil and Climate for Apple Farming

Bell apple take about 3 years from the day of planting to start fruiting and can produce twice yearly. The Nigerian soil and climate condition is very suitable for the plan, especially Ondo Akwa Ibom and some other parts of the country.

But the tree takes up to three years to begin producing and once it starts producing, it could be harvested more than twice a year with each tree producing more than a thousand fruits per harvest.

Bell Apple has been researched in Nigeria and found to be highly nutritious and medicinally sound. Very attractive and even bigger in size than the imported apples

It certainly make a good business sense to go into Bell Apple farming in Nigeria. Start with either seedlings or full farming. This farming business is still very new and the opportunities are still under exploited.

Be among the early birds in this business of Bell Apple farming because Nigerians are becoming wiser. They now know that aside from oil, that agriculture is the key for real success.


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