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Easy Steps To Set Up Your Blogging

The greatest challenge you may have is how to proceed with creating your blog. Some blogging software have taken this burden of you and ensure you can start blogging within minutes. Your concern now will be to decide which blogging platform and software go with for now. Choices are many therefore, you need to seat back and weigh it carefully before you decide. 

Having decided on which blogging platform to blog with, the next step should be to set up your blog. Some blogging platforms like Blogger.Com promises you start blogging within minutes of which is true. Its simple and cost absolutely nothing to start with, except if you would like to go with a custom domain name and custom third party blogger premium template.

Lets assume you chose  blogger. Then the next step should be to proceed to Blogger home page at to get a free Google account. You may need a Gmail email account as well, Gmail is email services from google, it works hand in hand with Blogger. Get one at Gmail 


Step 1. Click on the ‘Create New Blog’ button, a web-form will open  in the next window. Fill the form and submit, if the information you provided is correct, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided and the next page will open where you will name your blog and choose your blog address and blog title. 

Your blog address should read like while your blog title is the words that best describe your chosen niche.  Next, you hit the continue button and wait for your blog to be created. Make sure your post is ready as you will be  required to start blogging by writing in your new post into the edit box that will appear.

Step 2. After you have published your post, click ‘View Blog’ to see your very first post. It may not look fantastic but the truth is; you have successfully published your blog and ultimately lunched your blogging career. Next, hit the customize button and go into your dashboard, start by editing your profile let the world know who you are by addition your photo on the ‘Edit Profile Photo’ edit your profile as much as you’d like. Save and go over to ‘Layout’ to edit the look and feel of your Blog.

Step 3. Add in as much posts as you can and post frequently or as often as you can but avoid the temptation of ‘Copy & Paste’ I mean try not to copy other peoples content. Remember, all contents are copyright protected and even if they are not, it make a lot of sense to be original in your writing that’s the only way you can build and sustain your credibility within the Blogspare  and online in general. Stay within your your niche and avoid deviation, be sure your writing is informative and of benefit to your readers.

Step 4. Add social bookmarking and let your site be seen by search engine. With Blogger, your site will be set by default to be seen by search engine. Then, promote your blog with all you’ve got but don’t over do it to the detriment of your reputation. The best way to promote your site is by making it relevant to your reader and to search engine as well as Blog network.

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