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How To Choose Topics For Your Seminar Production Business

One of the key aspects of a succeeding seminar production business is the subject and topics you choose to focus your seminars on. Many people have gotten it wrong at this level and they wonder why they are unable to make the money they always thought they will make.
As much as getting a good speaker, hosting on a good venue and charging an affordable fee for your seminars, is crucial, the seminar topics/subjects is the heart of the business. Of what importance will the choice of speaker be if you are unable to win people’s interest in the first place, with the kind of issue your seminar will be addressing?


This piece will guide you in your choice of seminar topics/subjects. After going through it you should be able to come up with killer seminars that will put your name on the front page of any magazine in your city, as the best in what you do. Here are seven tips to help you choose seminar topics that rock.

1.    Choose “How-To’s” Seminar Topics

It seems the “How-To’s” are getting out of fashion these days but telling you the truth, they are the best. Topics like: ‘How To Raise Children In This 21st Century’ will always pierce through the hearts of people than ‘Child Upbringing In The 21st Century’. While the first one is direct and tells anyone what to expect from the seminar, the second is vague and leaves anyone uncertain about what you are up to.
Let your seminars be about answering people’s questions and giving them clear directives on how to go about issues. The “How To’s” will give you exactly that. Nevertheless, it is not just about getting it right with the topic but about preparing the package that delivers exactly as the topic says. Don’t disappoint your audience.

2.    Choose Topics That Are Problem-Solving

Every society has problems. These problems are as diverse as the faces of the people. Different people, age groups, social groups, sectors of the economy, and institutions, have their different concerns. All businesses are concerned about making profit but in each particular economy and society, there are specific issues businesses struggle with. This is the same for schools, religious bodies, organizations, individuals, couples, parents, etc.
Whatever topic you choose, let it have a problem-solving aspect to it. This means that anyone who chooses to attend your seminar should be sure of leaving satisfied for having solved a major problem once and for all. Examples of problem solving topics could be: ‘How To Make ‘A’ Grades In All Your Courses’, ‘How To Start A Business With No Capital’, ‘How To Make Money Through You Tube’, ‘How To Answer Job Interview Questions’, ‘How To Start Fish Farming With Just N15,000’ etc.
With all these topics, I hope you can see an aspect of problem-solving.

3.    Choose Topics That Will Affect The People’s Pockets

No topic wins people’s hearts as much as the ones with high potentials of increasing their income-earning ability. Even the richest people want to earn more money. When you focus on practical things people can do to make more money, you will always win their hearts with your seminars. However, nothing will kill your business as much as scamming. Empower your audience by sharing with them real knowledge that will actually enhance their income-earning abilities.
Notwithstanding, there are topics with indirect impact on people’s income. They may not necessary have to do with making money but could solve a problem that drains people’s income. It could be how to deal with a particular health issue, how minimize business losses, how to deal with pests that destroy crops, how to deal with tax issues, etc. Such topics serve almost as topics that have a direct impact on people’s income.

4.    Choose Topics With A Large Target Population

Each time you have to choose a topic, think about how many people will be directly or indirectly affected by the knowledge you want to share.  This will give you an idea of the number of people who could be interested in your seminar. The more people who will be directly or indirectly affected the more people you can expect to attend your seminar.
Don’t choose topics that are of interest to just a few people. Choose topics that a good sector of the population is interested in.

5.    Choose Topics That Are Uncommon

Today, so many people in the seminar production business in Nigeria are focusing on particular topics. For example, job interview topics. And so it is common to see seminars everywhere, teaching people how to set up a business. Also, with the internet, it is easy to find a lot of information on different things people are interested in. So, for you to make your mark in this business, you need to be more creative.
Teach on issues that many people are seeking to learn about but very few people are addressing. You can know by interacting with people and doing your market research. You may also choose to spare some little money and time to attend seminars that handle topics you are interested in, just to find out what those seminars are missing and then go on to make yours better.

6.    Have A Specific Area Of Interest

The seminar production business is very similar to blogging. One thing that people want to know is your field of interest. Wealth Result as its name goes is all about how to help people create wealth. It is not about good health or education. It is very specific and you know what to always expect each time you type www.wealth on your search bar. 

Imagine that someday you came here and saw an article on how to make friends and win people, you will surely be checking to see if you are in the wrong place. Not because there is anything wrong with the topics but because you don’t know wealth result to focus on socialization.
So choose an area of interest and focus your seminars on. If it is skill acquisition, let it be so; if it is business, let it be so; if it is family life, be sure it is family life; if it is career issues, don’t get people confused along the way; if it  is education or health, stick to it. Just be specific in your area of interest.

7.    Choose Topics That Are Specific

It is one thing to have a specific subject of interest but a different thing to be specific in choosing your topics under your subject of interest i.e. you can be interested in business issues. In choosing topics, you should be touching a specific kind of business or aspect of business. Rather than choosing a seminar topic like ‘How To Set Up A Business’, which is a vague, choose a seminar topic that specifically focuses on some particular businesses.
For example, if your seminar teaches on how to set up a restaurant business, or say ’Twenty Viable Businesses You Can Start With Just N25,000, you are more likely to have more people turn out for it.
Choosing a seminar topic is so important as you consider starting a seminar production business. When you know just what the people want, you will be making so much money from each seminar. But, never forget that the bottom line is satisfying the audience by giving them exactly what they paid for. You may even find out at the beginning of each seminar, what the expectations of the audience are. This will help you to deliver just what they want.
I wish you the best as you go ahead to decide on your seminar topics. 

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By Kadzem Claude


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