Do you know that exercising is fun when it is not compulsory? do you believe that exercise is not only meant for the big sized people, interesting, do you also belief you can make a living through exercise and you can stay healthy by exercising regularly.To be physically and mentally fit means you have to undergo regular exercise.
A fitness business is a business aimed at providing personal training, fitness instruction, or the use of a fitness facility to those interested in living a healthy life and pursuing their own fitness goals. You do not have to be a professional fitness trainer to start a business in fitness, but you need to have interest in fitness and the willingness to adopt a fitness lifestyle.Having interest and willingness to adopt fitness lifestyle is important in ensuring your success in the business.
Like it is usually said around the world “health is wealth, many people in this part of the world believes fitness and exercise is only meant for big sized people but no it is not true, fitness and exercise will promote a healthy life for everybody.Like for instance, daily exercise will allow free flow of blood in the vain, it will maintain the heart, even an hypertensive patient that exercises regularly will always remain healthy and so on.Fitness is good for everyone.
Would you like to invest in fitness business,or are you thinking of a business to invest in, you are not making mistake if you choose to invest in a fitness business, all you need do is to follow the steps below and then you become an achiever (ie be a boss of your own, create employment)
There are two types of fitness services
Personal training
Personal trainers work 1 on 1 with clients to create fitness plans specific to their clients’ needs. The trainer coaches the client through strength training to get the most out of workouts. As a personal trainer, you may decide to run your fitness business from your home, travel to clients’ homes, or meet them at a specific fitness and exercise center.
Fitness instruction
Fitness instructors guide groups through a variety of classes, including aerobics, kickboxing, step and strength training. If this is your desired approach, choose one or more classes you are comfortable with. To start a business in fitness instruction, you must have a facility where you can teach your group class.
Steps To Start-up A Fitness Business
Create a business name
Choose something creative, a simple, short and easy pronunciation. Note, if your name is easy to remember, it will be easier to establish, maintain, and grow you client base.
Don’t forget you are setting up a fitness center in order to achieve some goals and objectiveness, the purpose and mission of your business, and also the financial aspects of what you want your business to accomplish should not be waved aside.
Marketing strategy
Assess your target market for the area you plan on working in.This will Determine how you will reach out to your desired client base and what you will offer that will make them choose you over other competitors.
Decide what you will charge customers/clients, and what type of contract or commitment you will require.
Place your advert on strategic locations,and don’t forget your advert and your business name will speak for you.
Gym department
Setting up a fitness center also includes the gym aspect. If your business plan involves setting up a fitness center or gym, then you will be responsible for managing an entire facility and for hiring personal trainers and fitness instructors also you will need to buy gym equipment.
Do a thorough calculation of what your start up capital costs, marketing fees, advert fees and monthly expenses to be. Then do a projected income analysis, listing what you expect to bring in when you first start and what you expect it to bring in over time, then decide on the gym equipment to buy.
Start your business, using your fitness business plan as your guide guide.
It will be of advantage to you if you establish your fitness business in a high profile area and easy accessible location , people who live there are more exposed and are ready to pay money on keeping fit than those who live in the low profile area.
Business operations: keep records of daily activities and expenses.
Personnel: Hire any staff you might need to run your fitness business.
Market your business in order to increase your customer base.
These are the list of gym equipment needed and their prices
Chrome dumbbell 4.0kg N4,000
Elliptical Orbitrac with seat N32,000
Magnetic Bike N35,000
Elliptical Orbitrac with seat and stepper,
Round dumbbell 20kg N12,000
Jump Rope N1,000
Motorized Treadmill with massager, twister and Dumbell N120,000
Manual Treadmill N70,000
Stepper Board N2,000
You are not only a boss of your own but you have also created employment. Above all, you are helping some people to live healthy and maintain good body shapes likewise you too. All these gym equipment can be purchased through konga.com. Follow these guidelines carefully and you will surely succeed in this business with your devoted time and concentration. I wish you goodluck. CHEERS!!!
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