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The united kingdom is a place to consider when thinking of doing business because it has so many advantages that will support and help your business to grow. The government has made their environment friendly and suitable for investors. The economy is friendly, adequate infrastructural facility, politically and economically stable.

The united kingdom is one of the safest location to do business. The country has consistently attracted more foreign investors than any other country in Europe. The UK is one of the world’s major market, with a population of  over 60 million. They are ranked as the eighth most competitive country in the world by The World Economic Forum’s global competitive 2012-2013).

Here are the top 10 reasons why companies should think of taking their business to the UK.

1. Strong Financial Services

The united kingdom is a leading global financial services center and the single most internationally focused financial market place in the world. It has an unrivaled concentration of capital and capabilities, as well as a regulatory system that is effective, fair, and principled. As a result more financial institutions and investors choose to do business in, and with UK than any other country.

2. Strong Labor Market

The United kingdom government supports a framework of laws that ensures the labor market is;

Flexible – Encouraging the creation of jobs by making it easy to get people into work and to stay in work.

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Effective – Enabling employers to manage their staff  productively and fair with employers competing on a level playing field, and workers provided with a strong foundation of employment protections. United Kingdom has the second largest labor force in the European Union (EU) at over 30 million.

3. World Class Communication Technology

The UK offers companies one of the largest ICT markets in Europe, with the largest consumer expenditure head and overall spend of 140 per annum, of which the UK public sector contributes 18bn. ICT cost in the UK are highly competitive, companies can select from a range of providers and tariff that suit their ICT requirements. They have the strongest technology and telecommunication infrastructures globally.

UK is committed to the rapid roll-out to provide the best super fast broadband in Europe by 2015, as well as extending mobile coverage. The roll out will deliver super fast mobile 4G mobile service to people in cities, towns and villages across the UK and will almost double the amount of airwaves available to smartphones and tablets that use 3G networks.

4. Easy To Setup Business In The United Kingdom

Setting up your business in the united kingdom takes an average of 13 days, and it takes as little as 24 hrs to register a company. By so doing this give an investor to consider starting its business without any delay.

UK residents enjoy a high standard of living, education and recreation. Personal taxes are low, publicly-funded health is free to all and there is a rich cultural heritage and abundance of leisure facilities.

5. Speaking The International Language Of Business

Operating in English language gives firm in the  United kingdom a natural advantage when communicating globally. The UK is firmly established as an international trading nation, with historic links to communities all over the world.

Its therefore a perfect springboard for exporting your products and services, as well as an ideal location to base a business dependent on international links.

6. Outstanding Transport Links

The United kingdom offers a world-class transport network offering rapid network offering rapid to mainland Europe and the rest of the world. Heathrow is Europe’s largest hub, with ongoing expansion expansions its efficiency. London boasts one of the world’s largest overground and underground rail network.

7. Creative Ad Media

The United kingdom has one of the largest and most diverse creative industry sectors in the world, accounting for 6 percent of GDP and employing 2.3million people. The UK is home to world renowned businesses in advertising, fashion, TV, Film, design, architecture and the experience economy pulls on the well-known innovative talents foundation worldwide.

8. High Standard Of Corporate Governance

UK has the most transparent standard of corporate governance in the world.The interests of managers are aligned with shareholders rather than regulators, and the flexibility inherent in the system effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management.

9. Investors Confidence

UK is the top destination in Europe for inward investment. Demonstrating  continuing   investor confidence in the UK, there were more than 500 expansion of UK investments in 2012/2013, proving that the UK is not only an excellent location to establish an international business, but also to grow it in the longer term.

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