Barbers are millionaires! Have you heard this statement before and you are wondering how true is this? Maybe not but I can tell you that the statement is correct and I’m sure every Barber will agree to that too. Starting a barbing salon is not difficult and I am going to show you how.
I visit barbing salon every three days and each time I visit, I use to part with between N200 to N500 as service cost; sometime more, depending on the type of barbing salon. Let’s say, the average I spent on barbing weekly is between Six Hundred Naira to One Thousand Five Hundred Naira. It means In a month, I will spend N2,400 to N6,000… just only me.
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Now, if my Barber has 100 other customers like me who patronize him monthly, he will be making between N240,000 to N600,000 monthly from these hundred customers alone! Do you now agree that Barbers are millionaires? Lets see if hundred customers monthly is realistic; if you divide 100 by 30 that will give you about 3.3 customers daily, and there is absolutely no barber that get only 3 persons to barb in a whole day, the least I’ve counted is 10 per day. If I ask the question again “Is 100 Customers realistic” based on this scenario ? I’m sure the answer I’ll get is emphatic YES!
Why are entrepreneurs overlooking this business that is capable of making them millions? Because it doesn’t blow whistles! People naturally like businesses that make lots of noises even if it doesn’t bring money, but would you like to go for business that make noises or the one that brings real money? Your answer is as good as mine. Now, lets take a closer look and find out what it takes to start a good Barbershop.
What You Need To Start A Barbing Salon Business
1. Learn to Barb – Spend three months or thereabout to learn how to barb, which is basically learning how to handle the clippers. Barbing is an art and a barber is an artist! It’s not just enough lo learn how to handle the clipper, you need to perfect the art of haircuts; like shaving, tracing the hair line, and trimming.
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You can learn the basics within three months and then perfect your art as time goes one. But don’t forget that the level of your customer satisfaction will depend on how well you mastered the art of shaving, so don’t play with it. Some will even go as far as arresting you with police for spoiling their haircuts, and if you’re good your customers wouldn’t leave for anyone else.
2. Rent A Shop – Look for a decent shop in a shopping mall or any shop near you, make sure the shop is spacious to accommodate your customers and still have enough space for people to mingle around. It is very important because when you’re working on customers, you may have other customers on the waiting list. Spacious shop will afford you the space to put some chairs for you customers to seat on while they wait.
3. Paint Your Shop – Many local barbers are fond of painting their shops white. This is where you’d need to make yourself and your business stands out. chose some creative color combination for your painting, don’t just go for the norm, defy the norm and create your own style.
Your objective is to impress your customers, and there is no better way to do it than to make your business place stand out from the crowd.
4. Furnish Your Shop – Furnishing a barbing salon is quite simple and cost effective. Get a very good and comfortable revolving chair where your customers will seat on while you work on them. The revolving type make your work easier as you don’t need to move around, you can stand still and turn the chair to any direction of your choice.
You will need a table too, where you’ll put your barbing equipment for convenience access, and other chairs where your waiting customers will seat on.
5. Buy Original Clippers – You will need about two clippers, after working with one, you put it out for treatment then continue with the other. You will be switching between the two clippers. I said original because not all clippers are good.
Go for original Philips, it’s costly but well worth the money. Look for it at at original Philips retail shop. There is one in Allen Avenue. If you can’t find it, make do with other brands but make sure it’s original that will last for you and work more efficiently.
6. Get A Sterilizer – Due to the increased number of communicable diseases out there, people will be more inclined to patronize you if they are assured that your clippers are well treated and sterilized.
So, buy electronic sterilizer that you’ll use to treat your clippers and other cutting equipment when you finished using them on a customer before using them on another customer to avoid the spread of diseases among your customers.
7. Buy A Standby Generator – You do not need BIG one except if you can afford it, small generator of N10,00 to N12,000 is OK for the job. Generator is so important in the business of barbing that without it, you may not be able to do the business.
These are the major equipment, others are wraparound (minor materials like the cloth you’ll tie around the your customers to prevent the flying hairs from littering his body) hair creams, spirits, aftershave, and so on
With all these in place, you are ready to go and start making hundreds of thousands every month from this cool business. That’s all for now, let me see your comments on this.
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