How many hours do you devote to this blog?
This site is great. But I can imagine it must take lots of time? How do you manage to keep it going?
- What is the difference between Laundry and Drycleaning
- Looking For Partner Companies in Africa
- What Kind Of Business Can I Do With 1million
- How to Become a Successful Innovator
- What Are The Top 10 Products Being Exported Oversea?
- Where Is The Main Source Of Coal in the Country?
- Contacts Of Plastic Recycling Companies In Port Harcourt
I really don’t count the number of hours I devote to this website on daily basis, all I know is that I sleep and wake up on this site. Its more like fun to me, doing this and other things on the net simultaneously.
If I am writing an article, perhaps six hours. When I started this blog newly, I used to write 2-3 articles daily and that usually take from morning till midnight. So it all depends on what I am doing at any particular time
15 hours a day. I take every opportunity
Pls, I want know & start blogging. How do I start
Wow! Useful information. That is quite a lot of time. So would you say this is more like just for goodwill. It doesnt seem that it can be a good return on investment time wise if it takes that long. I have been thinking about blogging but not sure if its really something one can do and make sense financially as well. Seem like it can be useful for helping people or building some credibility but its not really a viable income generating venture.
If you say blogging is a viable income generating venture, then it is. If you say blogging is not a viable income generating venture, then its not to you. Everything depends on the answer you give from your own point of view.