Errand service business in Nigeria is capable of making you millions on monthly basis. People are very busy these days and the reality of the modern day is not helping matters in any way. Not even in the near future does any solution seem to be in sight. Instead, more people would be getting busier than ever. Thereby making the business of errand services to be more viable and among the best jobs in Nigeria.
There are always some things you wish that others would have done for you so that you could concentrate on other important things of interests.
There are clothes to be washed and ironed, groceries to be picked from the supermarkets, children to be looked after, and food to be cooked and served. Thereafter, take care of other things within the home and probably office as well.
All these requires time and that which you do in order to be able to pay your bills likewise requires time too. Considering these realities no doubt keep every one of us at some advantages. Either to start making money running errand for those who are busy and has no time for other important things. Or to see the important of paying others in an exchange for the services rendered.
‘Jack of all trades’ is usually said to be a master of none. That is not only applicable when you are doing many businesses at the same time. It also apply when you are adding other businesses that are meant for others into your own so to say.
Running errand services in Nigeria for busy people can actually make one a millionaire if done well. It all starts with a positive mindset and pure belief in what you are set to do. In fact, that is how all great things in life come about.
Errand service business in Nigeria is not new. It may only sound new to you as an individual. The truth is that the business has been in existent for decades. You are only taking it to the next level by approaching it as a professional job.
So having established that errand service business is a viable business, the next real question we want to provide the answer to is how to get started?
Starting Your Errand Service Business
How much do you need to start your errand service business and where would you get your customers?
What if people don’t trust you enough to give you their money to run errand for them?
How can you move around if you don’t have a car?
There are some of the pressing questions to be considered. I will attempt to provide the answers to these questions in the following paragraphs.
See Also: How To Take Control Of Your Finances
What You Need To Get Your Errand Service Started
1. Register Your Errand Service Business
Getting your errand service business registered will enhance your reputation. Though some use to neglect this but it places some limits and help define how you are seen by some reputable clients.
2. Make a Comprehensive List of Clients
Make a list of big companies/offices in your area with good number of well-paid executives such as headquarters of some big manufacturing companies and bank managers.
3. Write Your Errand Services Proposal
Compose a letter with your services listed and make sure it is compelling enough.Let your prospective clients see why your services are important to them. Include the list of services you offer.
Your list should include but not limited to services like, dry cleaning delivery, post office errands, food pickup and delivery, grocery pick up, etc.
SEE ALSO: How to Start a Food Delivery Service In Nigeria
4. Be Good at Publicizing
Advertise your services through handbills and print items and words of mouth. Taking your flyers to different places like dry cleaning offices, events, inserting it in publications that has wider executive readership, grocery stores, food store, and bakeries. Set up a blog about your services.
Find out what other delivery services are charging and make yours highly competitive.
5. Add Personal Touch
Your services should have some real personal touches especially while starting out newly as this would give you an edge over other big companies within your area of services.
Being friendly with your clients keeps them looking for you at all times.
Do not let people know much about your senior citizen clients or the super rich ones for some security reasons. You have to be confidential and this makes your clients to trust you more.
Know your area very well so you can make your movements hassle free even if there is any cause to delay your delivery.
See Also: How To Start Small Businesses In Nigeria And Make Money
When you do this unusual business well by giving it a businessman’s approach, you should be ready to start counting your millions within six months to one year. Your satisfied customers would find it hard to keep quiet and not be selling you to their wealthy friends which means more money to your pocket.
Give this business a trial as a man, woman, guy or a young lady and come back here to share your testimony.
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