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How To Startup Internet Cafe Business

There are other articles on many interesting topics on this site that are very useful and helpful to anyone interested in starting a business anywhere in the world. This article will arm you with concise and useful information on internet Cafe business. Cybercafé is one of such business you can start with the capital you think is too small to get something tangible up and running.

Starting Internet Cafe Business

Cybercafé or Internet café is a place which provides internet access to the public, usually for a fee.

The fee for using internet is charged at a time-based rate. You can take it to a whole new level as time goes on, for now, let us talk about starting in a small modest version. The sole purpose of every private business is the profit it will return in the long run.

SEE ALSO: Feasibility Study on Computer Business Center

When you are about to start your internet café, make sure you choose the best location – a busy road, school environment, business district, a populated street e.t.c, any busy location is good for the business.

Before starting a cyber café, there are some things one needs to put in place. And those things are listed, clearly and briefly explained as best as possible below. The following are the most important things you need to get ready, other necessary things will be procured later.

Get Suitable Space And Equipment

Renting a shop or acquiring a container that is well ventilated in a suitable location, the size of the shop or container will depend on the structure or how you want to arrange the equipment. The space must be of moderate width and length, 10/8 is advisable. This is so important to ensure the safety of your property.


Furnish the shop or container in a neat and simple manner that your customers will be comfortable enough when patronizing you.

Computer System

Procure monitors, system units, keyboards, mouse, printers, and scanners.


With 4G LTE networks availability and affordability in Nigeria, the era of slow internet browsing is gone. You can choose from vast companies rendering 4G services according to your capability.


Procure all the software that is needed in the day-to-day operation of the café, software such as: Time management software, ticketing system, Anti-virus, Internet browser, Instant Messaging Apps (Yahoo messenger, Gtalk, Skype e.t.c)

Provision of Electrical Appliances

Examples include Air Condition or Fan, electric socket, extension plugs.

Others – This include the list of other necessary peripherals that are used for specific purposes – Biometrics capturing device (Finger print capturing device, Signature capturing device) Headphones, webcams.

Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

To prevent computers from sudden short-down in case of power failure get UPS. It will give the users enough time to save their data or information before resolving the power issue or shutting down the system.


To ensure constant power supply, since the power guys are not really capable, and for the business to flourish, there must be constant supply of electricity. Therefore, get a good power generator.

Process Of Setting Up Internet Cafe Business

1. Arrange the systems

2. Network all the systems together so they can share resources

3. Set up the Modem/Router

4. Configure the network and connection settings

5. Configure the server and internet cyber timer

6. Set up the ticketing system

7. Set up the peripherals – headphones, webcam, biometrics capturing devices

8. Put alternative power source in place – UPS, Generator.

With this, you have started something to keep you busy. So, be patient and don’t expect to get back all you have invested into the business within the shortest period of time. Business too needs time to grow just like human beings do. Don’t wait until you have millions in your bank account before you start something.

Mind you, Mt. Everest of today was once a plain on the earth’s surface (i.e. it was Flat). Remember to start small, stay focused, grow big and strong.


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