You can import cheap and quality goods from China directly into the country without any trouble. Many have been doing that for years and the result have been amazing to them. Here I present to you some of the benefits of importing goods directly from China.
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One of the most lucrative and latest pragmatic steps in the marketing world today is doing business with China through the Direct Sales Agents (DSA). It is the latest trend in marketing goods and services. Unlike in the years past when the buyers would be the ones to go hunting for where goods or manufacturers are located in China before they could buy. Today, it is the manufacturers that look for buyers through the process of direct sales.
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Platforms such as Alibaba.com have made it super efficient to import cheap and quality goods from China into the country without stepping out form your doors. It is now super fast to source your goods, place your orders, and have it delivered to you in no time.
Import Directly From Manufacturers
It is not a fiction that China has the largest manufacturing companies in the world, with over 1 Billion population which makes China the country with the highest number of workforce in the world, providing capacity to Chinese manufacturers who in turn carters for both the developed and developing Continents like Africa, Asia, American, even Europe. With the latest trend in Marketing, you can buy directly from China manufacturers and have the goods imported into your country without stepping out of your domain.
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To import directly from Chinese manufacturers, all you need to do is to use their product catalog online, select the product you want that meets your need at the right price, confirm the sellers authenticity using the online rating system in a site like Alibaba, place your order and wait for products arrival.
Today, most manufacturers are devising different means of gaining customers due to the increase in competition across China. In a situation whereby they have 10 companies producing the same goods in the same state or province. That have made the manufacturers to be more prepared in terms of marketing strategies and customer relations. They do everything to meet potential customers expectation resulting to better service delivery.
Pay Only 30% Upfront And Balance 70% After Goods Are Delivered
Importing goods directly from Chinese manufacturers into African countries might be a bit complicated. Apart from the fact that China is far from Africa,it is also very risky to do a business transaction with someone you do not see or know. That’s the reason most dealers go as far as China to buy and bring to their home country by themselves or order through friends/colleagues who happen to live there. But that period is over!
This days, manufacturers in China will advertise their products on eCommerce sites like Alibaba (which was founded by Jack Ma) and other platforms that belongs to their target audience, where they can see the catalog of such products and probably patronize them. Or ordering such products directly online from the manufacturers website.
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The best part now is that you can order those products, pay only 30% upfront, and balance the remaining on delivery. All such new customers need to do is to call or chat and confirm with one of the company’s representative, so as to know the modules oprandi of the organization and how the goods can be shipped to the customer’s country after making up to 30% payment upfront.
Life Is A Risk, You Either Compete Or You Loose
Risking your 30% of lets say out of N300,000 of total payment and you are only asked to make a down payment of N90,000 in other to get your selected catalogs shipped to you in the next 2 weeks might be very challenging. This is exactly where the trust lie but they are always willing to delight you. Most people do not believe in tying down their money to an unknown person for too long, it is not easy really, it is 50/50 chances in achieving that goal. But come to think of it, there is this adage that says, ‘no pain, no gain’.
You need to understand that life is a risk, so you either compete or you are left behind. So, why don’t you just take some risk and achieve in faith and trust. Remember, this manufacturers have been proved real and genuine by those who patronizes them and there is no gimmicks about it, they are confirmed and authentic producers who are readily available to do business with you.
Risk Little Or Zero Shipping Cost
Another good news about this manufacturers in China is that most of the companies over there do not charge shipping fee and no hidden charges as well. This is another means of attracting customers and gaining their trust for business. Though, this depends on the load of goods that is being ordered by such customer.
If the catalog is small in number, they may not charge at all, but if the products ordered are large number, some charges might be incurred by the customer which will definitely be on discount rate to ship the customer’s goods to him/her on demand. But you might incur duty fees on newly imported goods from the ports authority of your country.
Meanwhile, when this products find its way into the Nigeria Market, for instance, the demand is normally high if one knows how to do a thorough marketing of such products. Though, the manufacturers usually advice that the buyer should go and do a proper visibility study in their home country with good market research to determine the demand for such product. But it is not really necessary in a larger population with high demand for electronic and other goods like Nigeria (with over 150 million people)
Make Huge Profit Importing Quality Goods From China
The next thing after delivery the product to you and completing your 70% payment is, to start distributing them to offices, Churches, Mosques, Government, etc and start raking in your money in thousands if not in millions depending on your investment and dedication and total effort/time spent in marketing the products. In this section, you must create a network marketing group and/or habit that will help the
product market itself in your home country or location to your target audience.
Depending on the platform you want to use(online, one on one, seminar, social gathering etc), once you know and understand your market and target audience, you will sell all your products within few weeks and make your desired 100% profit. I mean it, 100% return on your investment. The reason is that, most Chinese Product are generally cheap and multi functional in nature, so don’t worry, the 100% return on your investment is guaranteed.
It is all in your hand if you want to dare success. Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa according to Forbes started from somewhere, so is Waren Bufeit and also imagine the wealth of Slim Elu. This people are once ordinary members of the society just like you before, but today they have become great men of mentor and recognition around the globe. the truth is, that is exactly the way most men who can risk their money get to succeed without burning all their fingers. You can, only if you agree you can!
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